A comic for learning English
Ieva Paleja
Hi everybody! Recently I started a new project - I am creating kind of comic for learning English. Which means - I put advanced English vocabulary what I learn in this comic. I hope this is a way to memorize it better (otherwise I forget everything). Here I put some illustrations. All the blog is here: https://purpledandelionsworld.blogspot.com/ I would be glad to hear the feedback.
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Wow! This sounds like an interesting project, @Ieva Paleja. I'm sure that simply writing in English is already a very effective way to help you memorize and use the words you learn. But more than that, you're also combining the writing practice with the creative works of building up a story, characters and a fictional world, and of illustrating everything. Sounds quite complex and, certainly, a lot of fun! Hope you're enjoying the process!
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Ieva Paleja
Thank you, Liandro! Yeah, it's fun. :)
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