100 Hands from 4 months ago (1/5)
I started this challenge on January 19, 2023 and ended on March 27, 2023. I guess i took more than a month, but I'm glad I finished it. I made an indication to the side of every number. I stands for "Imagination." R stands for "Referenced." I/R is a mix of both.
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GB Ward
Rad dude! Good job!
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Wow, 100 hands! Way to go! 👏👏👏 I’m curious, how was this experience to you overall? And how to you self-assess your own work after having gone through it?
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Good question. It was stressful because I always had a hard time drawing hands from memory. Looking back on it, if I would try this again, I would: - Probably focus on the gesture. I laser-eye-focused on its structure on most of the pieces and I was wondering why it felt stiff, but I never realized. - Practice the poses and angles that I would most likely use in my drawings. I regretfully did not consider this when I started the challenge.
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