Anna M
Anna M
Hi everyone, my name is Anna!
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Anna M
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Nihi Sus
Here goes my assignment, I think its like the third time im trying to complete this course. This time im ready tho, no going back anymore. Could have cleaned it a bit more but for the purpose of exercise I think its good enough. Any kind of feedback very welcome!
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Anna M
Some more figures for today!
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Anna M
I'm just trying to get more acquainted with the line of action, so I'm tracing over the models to try and find it. What do you guys think?
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Anna M
This is my second post on this course! I seem to have a hard time naturally finding the dominant lines of action, I tried simplifying it more this time and I think I did okay? I'm only showing a few because I think these are the best out of this session.
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Anna M
Hello everyone! I'm new to the community, this is my first post. I've found gesture quite hard to master, and I'd love some feedback on these few images if you could! I know it's not much, but they stood out to me in this session the most. Thanks!
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Mathias Ragnarsson
Gesture drawing is difficult! I keep finding myself being perhaps too concerned with the forms and contour and have to drag myself back to the movement of the pose. Afterwards I can look at them and feel that something’s off, but I can’t point my finger at how to improve them. Any help here would be very much appreciated. I’ll try and squeeze in some quick-sketches as I progress trough the course (for a second time. Seriously, even if life gets hectic, don’t snooze like I did for a year. A lot of info is pretty foggy as I get back to it.), and hopefully things will fall in place and I can make more informed decisions.
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