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Thank for the live!!! I was the one who asked about Rebelle!! These studies were done in Rebelle also using charcoal, graphite and watercolor
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wow I was fighting for my life with these. I always struggle with accuracy to the ref image, so trying to make them look like the person was HARD. Also I tend to jump into rendering to solve problems so forcing myself to stay in line art/drawing stage was hard as well. Glad proko is making us do 12 days of struggling, this feels like a mini art boot camp, but I like having to get out of my comfort zone as well.
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these are great Bria!!
2 Hands 2 Distinct Styles
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Started drawing and painting this 2023, got alrightish in drawing and painting, far from when I begun. So my goals for 2024 are to get the technical knowledge so aid my better for the portraits I do. Draw and Paint even more, and explore the world of drawing and painting doing master studies, and sharing my art for critique and improvement. I learnt from stephens video when it comes to portraits a block in course would be increadibly helpful as someone who learns better watching videos (plus stephens calming voice which should be a strong contender for google assistant)
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thats how my drawing turned out while studying sidy by side :)
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