Adnan Bennouna
Adnan Bennouna
Steven x Davis
I can't speak to the proportions because I'm not much of a draftsman, but in terms of personality, I see two things. First, the inked version has a white line between her darker lips, which suggests that we are seeing teeth - her mouth is partly open. When your lips are closed, that line is the darkest part. Second, the shading under her eyebrows makes it look like they are raised, although I can't quite explain why. I think it might be that the darker shading suggests that her brow protrudes more, which pushes her eyebrows toward the viewer, creating that "upward" effect. Not sure, though. The combined effect of the open mouth and the raised brow changes her expression from determined to quizzical. The inking itself looks great; it just had those very subtle effects here.
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Adnan Bennouna
Hello Steven (Davis), Thank you very much for taking the time to write these comments. I was actually trying to create that "upward" effect you are talking about, the fact that you mentioned it being kinda perceptible makes me happy, at least, I did not completely failed 😁 I just really can't explain how the look in her eyes changed though, I am not sure myself how the shading affected it..
Steve Lenze
Hey Adnan, I like your drawing, it looks like a vintage tattoo. I did a draw over to show you how you can improve your drawing from your imagination. I hope this is helpful, keep drawing :)
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Adnan Bennouna
Wow ! Thank you so much Steve ! Your draw over is so much cooler ! I will try to implement these insightful notes on my next piece.
Adnan Bennouna
Hello fellow (aspiring) artists and friends, So this is something I doodled today, and I tend to regret inking it. I feel like this piece had more 'personality' at the sketch process (if this makes any sense) lol. Any comments or advices about things to improve ?
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