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Avi Liberman
added comment inWhat is Light?
Dorian - I have a small confusion some things and I just wanted to make sure I got it.
First, why do needs to know about "diffuse reflection" in relation to shading? Isn't what makes the form 3d is where the light hits (reaches) its surface?
1. When you showed specular reflection, you used a mirror or chrome.
Does it mean that all the lights gets the same value on every point of the ball because of the surface material? Does specular depends on the material or surface angle?
2. About the highlight. Why do we see highlight on rough surfaces (not chrome like) like body? I understood that it relates to specular reflection.

Hi Avi, I had the same question as you, it seemed contradictory with the information given and the examples like a chrome ball, that an incredibly smooth surface like say a perfectly smooth white marble will still have diffuse reflection as well as specular, I read this article on Wikipedia,continues%20to%20be%20diffusely%20reflected.
that made it a bit clearer, apparently diffuse reflection happens just below the surface of an object, the light penetrates the object, and sort of bounces around inside and goes everywhere, there are very few materials that don’t allow this to happen, one being chrome, specular reflection on the other hand, happens above the surface, so let’s take the chrome ball as an example, chrome and other metals do not allow light to bounce below their surfaces, so no diffuse lighting, but because specular reflection happens on the surface, it has specular reflection, hope that made sense
TLDR: According to physics, materials that can be penetrated below the surface by light will have diffused reflection, if the surface of that material happens to be smooth, it will also have specular reflection because that happens on the surface, not below it.
Hello, I’m struggling a lot with hands, it takes me over an hour to do each one, is this normal? Thank you