Sonia Carrasco de Pablo
Sonia Carrasco de Pablo
Imagining worlds, creating cyberpunk stuff and always learning (most of the time about myself)
Activity Feed
Sonia Carrasco de Pablo
Hi! My name is Sonia (Whispering Dreams in social network). Nowadays I am working as a Graphic Designer, but I feel that it does not fit me. 10 Years ago I wanted to work as a character design. Some time after, I created a full comic project and get some interest from relevant french editorials but I never got a real offer. Currently I don't really know what to do with my skills or what I need to improve... I would love to work as an artist, but I don't know where to focus or how to do it. Thank you for the portfolio review!
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Sonia Carrasco de Pablo
Thank you very much! I saw it some days ago and get really inspired. It has been really usefull ;)
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Sonia Carrasco de Pablo
When I saw "How to draw gesture" video from proko (long time ago), I did some quick sketches (60 seconds/figure) to practice gesture and proportions. This was really helpfull to my progress as an artist. Congratulations for this new platform "proko 2.0". It looks awesome.
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