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My submission for the three assignments. I have to admit, I had to improve my perspective knowledge, before I could tackle the third assignment.
Antonio Stappaerts
Hello, for your third assignment; When a vertical cylinder gets closer to the HL, it's ellipse should become more and more narrow untill it's eventually flat (right on the HL) Your vertical cylinders don't follow this rule + wthe minor axis is perpendicular to the HL, this will be a vertical cylinder. (if you'd construct this in a box, the ellipses will be placed in the top and bottom plane of that box.) You have a cylinder where the minor axis is vertical but you've drawn the cylinder as if we are looking straight at it
Hi, the section is explained very well. However, I struggle with the last assigment. How do I fulfill "they should have different vanishing points but feel as if they have the same horizon line". I wouldn't even know how to do that for boxes. I think I am missing the point how to introduce more than one pair of vanishing points if you have to depict multiple objects (boxes, cylinders etc.) that it still feels like they are in the same "room or place".
Mariusz Stefanowski
Short trick answer - when you have 1 pair of VPs, you can create another one by moving VPs on horizon line by same distance in same direction :) Long answer - checkout drawabox or perspective books
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