Busy week so i only got to do a little bit but wanted to post before the deadline. I will do more over th weekend (and try level 2). One fun thing i noticed is if you're doing it digitally you can do the outer contour on a different layer and then turn it off to see what it looks like with only the cross contours guiding the eyes sense of 3D.
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A few attempts with figures. blue is blob forms, red is roughs of the cubes in perspective, black is line art top row i forgot to use different layers, and the very last image i forgot to switch layers on the line art I started out pretty off, but i feel like i got better half way through. Lots to practice though... The roughs in red took me a while to figure out sometimes.
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I feel like my hands are just too dumb to do what my brain knows... Trying on procreate which i;m not used to but it's not clicking on a fundamental level. I tried a basic toy car but moved to a robot after getting disappointed with how ugly the car was.... Still nothing is even on the robot, the cylinders don't look "real"
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Wow what a hard project, so much room for me to improve on these. Spent an hour on hands 1 and 2, and 30 minutes on hand 3. Deciding on the correct box orientation to make the hand was pretty tricky and i ended up erasing many times.
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Took me way longer than expected to just get basic boxes that looked right... found myself screwing up and erasing a lot so i had to start small thumbnails just to think about the orientation of the box in space
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Can someone help me here with what to do when the box is not between the two vanishing points? Where do the lines on the other side vanish towards?
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First attempt, working on 9x12 was really hard because the a small angle change puts me way off the vanishing point. I need to work on line weight as well.
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Super embarrassed about these... Out of all of them i only like one of them (the one based on pose 4). Spent roughly 1.5 hours on all them and by the end i was getting worse. Definitely need to find the time to do these again (it's hard while i also try to do daily art for Inktober), i'm failing to simplify the curves.
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Im worried i focused too much on the loose gesture instead of making interesting/dynamic shapes.... JPG numbers are listed scribbled next to each one
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took about an hour and i feel like it's not bad, but not great.... Particularly found it difficult to get the eyes to look correct...
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This was a fun project. I started dong the chicken, buffalo, and hippo without any clear goal for the shape design. And then I decided to do each with 3 versions: square emphasis, circle emphasis, and triangle emphasis. After that I chose to try it on a frog image. One concern I have is the total lack of regard for proportion, and not giving each one enough effort before moving on. I'm happy with a lot of them but i wasn't sure how far to go on each... Frog photo courtesy of Unsplash
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Line Master Studies. Sitting girl - Sketch from Lois van Baarle (AKA Loish) Tree on Rocks - Ady Wicaksono Girl in hood - Jasmin Darnell Proportions are all scuffed, and it was much harder to control weight with my pencil/paper than on procreate!
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First project that i'm doing digitally - used Procreate and Studio Pen. Still getting used to controlling the pressure sensitivity of the apple pencil. I purposefully chose a brush with no stabilization. Im surprised how totally different these came out when i focused on the two different tasks (Hierarchy of Importance vs Shadow&Light).
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realizing i worded this awkwardly, but Studio Pen is a procreate default brush in the Inking section.
First attempt, i feel like i rushed the linework a bit and didn't imagine what line i was trying to draw. I get lost in the process and just "feel it out" instead of problem solving each line
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I wasnt sure how much detail to include internal to the outer contour.... also my propotions are abysmal.
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Starting the course a bit late. Did these based on the three pear photos, probably should have taken more time to think about the simplification of the shapes.
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