Rubén Frutos
Rubén Frutos
Digital artist in the grind.
Hey, @Rubén Frutos! I agree with @Steve Lenze, such improvement! One of the best changes I notice is on the silhouette: it feels much clearer and more readable in the newer version. The anatomy also feels more strongly constructed, and she has a much more natural and coherent gesture and expression on her pose and face. Love it all! I also notice you made little design adjustments that definitely made a huge difference in how the concept is being represented. The fish impaled on the spear rather than in a bucket; the breasts being shown rather than covered; the visual patterns on her outfit and props; the hairstyle. The way I see it, these aspects make a lot more sense in the new design and convey more believability to the character compared to its earlier version. In other words, congratulations! Keep up the good work. 🙌🏻
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Rubén Frutos
Thank you so much for your kind words, Liandro.
Steve Lenze
Wow, the last two years have been good for you, what a difference. Good drawing, good pose, good lighting. Nice job.
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Rubén Frutos
Thank you Steve!! ❤️
Rubén Frutos
I took this drawing I did in September of 2020(right) and redid it now(left). Let me know what you guys think!! Any feedback on the new character is welcome! :))
I love this! Great initiative, @Rubén Frutos, and I’m definitely on “Team Messy Sketchbook” too!
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Rubén Frutos
I love these!! Thanks for sharing!
Alright,hopefully these aren't too clean
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Rubén Frutos
Rubén Frutos
I loved this video so much!! I'd like to see more of @Rembert Montald in the proko channel. Thanks for the vid!!
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Rubén Frutos
Hey y'all! I was thinking we could share some messy sketchbook pages. If you navigate social media, I'm pretty sure you've seen plenty of great artists or artist in general sharing their "perfect", pretty, clean sketchbook drawings. This is one of the reasons I was so scared to draw on my sketchbook, specially having learned art in digital media. I used to start all my drawings with pencil and then erase most of them cause they were not good or clean enough. Now, I only use a pen and I don't care if the drawings are pretty or not. Most of my sketchbook drawings are warmups, comfort drawings or just random nonesense. Join me and share some of your messy stuff so we can help people that are struggling to just doodle around in their sketchbooks. Guys, it's okay to be messy!! PS: No pretty, clean drawings allowed!! ;P
Account deleted
Hi @Rubén Frutos, these are really great studies. Are you open for critique?
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Rubén Frutos
I am!! Thanks
Rubén Frutos
Here's the new version after @Steve Lenze 's critique. I actually went back to my color sketch, and touched it up a bit. Which means that I screwed up trying to "render" the bg and got carried away with contrast and detail. Thanks a lot for the critique!! It helped me out a lot. I'd still love to know what you guys think about it!!
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Steve Lenze
Hey Ruben, This is real nice and has a real calm feel about it. I think the thing that jumps out to me is that all the edges in the piece are hard and sharp. Because hard, sharp edges come forward, the mountains, buildings, trees and characters all start to look like they are on the same plane. You are lacking what is called "atmospheric perspective" things become less defined and take on the color of the sky the farther back they are in the background. I hope this helps :)
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Rubén Frutos
Thanks, Steve! I guess I could emphasize the atmospheric perspective in the plane with the hills and the town. Good point! Thanks
Hey @Rubén Frutos, I see you’ve posted this a while ago - hope I’m not too late to add some thoughts! I like this character you’re creating! The style of rendering reminds me a bit of “Street Fighter” characters, which I personally find appealing. In terms of values, color and rendering, I won’t bother critiquing anything, good job! In terms of design and storytelling, I have a few comments. One thing that comes to my mind is shape language. His overall silhouette is coming close to an upside down triangule, a dynamic and unstable shape - which makes sense with the menace and perils his ambitions may bring his way of others’ as he goes after what he wants. I’m wondering maybe this inverted triangle motif might be something you could explore some more in the design? Maybe give some more hints of that type of shape by pushing armor parts, weapon details, anatomical features towards more angular indications, making some roundish contours more angular too? The lurking, curving gesture you’ve given him might already be a good counterbalance to the triangles. Since you’ve compared him to Scar, I’m thinking he’d probably be willing to do all sorts of unethical stuff to achieve his goals, and be a threat to other characters in cunning, malicious ways. Maybe he poses as a trustworthy guard, but his sneaky and treacherous personality would show through in little mannerisms as he acts, talks and moves. Maybe play a bit with symbolism? Perhaps there would be an insignia or inscription on the sword. Maybe a universal symbol like a snake or a skull, or maybe something more subtle that could represent the sneaky side of his personality… this could take some research! Anyway, just some ideas for you to consider and maybe experiment. If you’d like, please let me know how it turns out! 🙂 Keep up the good work!
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Rubén Frutos
Thanks a lot for your notes, @Liandro. Very valuable aspects to have in mind for the design. Here's the "final" version of it tho. I'll probably add some of these details that you suggested but it feels pretty done for me. Thanks again :)
Marco Sordi
Very nice, Sir! The composition is lovely!
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Rubén Frutos
Thanks, Marco!
Rubén Frutos
Hey folks! Here's my latest piece. A keyframe I did for the Instagram account @24hr_keyframes (Altough not really, cause I'm way passed the deadline). The second image is the brief they gave for this challenge. I'd love to know some of your thoughts on the piece and how I can improve it. Thanks!!
Rubén Frutos
Dayum, Josh!! Super helpful. Everytime I see your feedback pages I want to print them and hang them in the wall in front of my desk. Thanks a lot!
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Josh Sunga
Hey @Rubén Frutos nice work again! The piece was greatly improved :) But! I did a paintover just to push it a little further. But again great work!
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Rubén Frutos
Thank you so much, Josh. Your notes and critiques are always highly valuable for me 🙏🙏 Changes shall be made! Thanks again
Hassib Noori
Very well done! It is nice you painted it with your own kinda style. I love that.
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Rubén Frutos
Thank you, Hassib :)
Kristian Nee
This is awesome! Love that you did your own in his style. What I would add is that Sargent's values and edges are generally less intense than yours in your study. For example on the nose, the values are closer and the edges are softer. Also keep his colors are a bit warmer than the ones you have in your study. Great job! and keep it up
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Rubén Frutos
Thanks for the notes, Kristian. This is really valuable. I'm planing on doing more so I'll keep those aspects in mind for the next one.
Rubén Frutos
Rubén Frutos
So here's the character after the critique some of you gave me, specially @seazeff who told me to tag him in the post. I attached the previous version so you can compare. Some of my thoughts: I feel like I learned a lot with this one. I look back at what I posted here and it's almost as if a differente, less prepared person did it. I used to not apply critiques to the work that I considered "done" or "almost done". I said to myself that I'd do it for the next piece, which sometimes did not happen either cause the subject was different or cause I forgot. Well, this time I fought till the end and I couldn't be happier. Sure it's not perfect but compared to how it was you could almost say it is!! haha Let me know what you think!
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