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some mannequins. Would appreciate the feedback. I have been practicing this for a few weeks now. I don't have anything against mr Proko, I think these videos are great. But perhaps specifically for this section i feel like I was not given sufficient instruction in how to complete it. I try to watch carefully what mr Proko does in his examples, but since there is no explanation or commentary it is hard to follow along.
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For me the jump from the "robo bean" to the "mannquinization" is a big one. It would have helped to have additional lessons in between to practice the shapes for the different body parts. It would also have helped if Stan would explain what he is doing during the session. I only started with this chapter. Maybe it works out in the end.
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i feel the same :)
Some of my robo beans. Would appreciate the feedback.
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Some 30 second gestures. Would appreciate any feedback. Trying to improve line quality a bit so that it doesnt look so messy.
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