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Daniel Dimas
added comment inScott Flanders AMA - Concept Art & Character Design
Asked for help
Hey Scott, hope you can answer this one.
For someone who is new to art, lives in a very small town and with limited funds what would you suggest doing to make connections with the right people? Or even acquiring a mentor, as some artists have mentioned having a mentor along their way. It seems like conventions are the best way, however even knowing that I’m not sure how to go about that. Do you take your portfolio and share with pros? Or just talk? Thanks ahead of time!
You should try it all man. Foreal. I tried all kinds of things. Community is great, but isn't available to everyone. If that's the case, I'd encourage you to build your own. Use one of those MeetUp apps. Create a life drawing group. Gesture drawing. Plein air. Sculpting. Table-top gaming/and miniature painting, kayaking, fishing, etc. Try a little leadership on for size and see how you like it.
A mentor is a good call man. My own mentors have been invaluable to my own unfolding story.
Seek and you will find.