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These were my two “Casino” attempts after watching the demo. It is obviously loosely inspired by what Stan did, as I wanted to try the concepts of projecting the same box in perspective with the x technique. I then ended up playing around with the size. I also wanted to plat around with the POV, to see how a more drastic vanishing point would affect and distort the boxes. Inking in the end is always a work in progress, it is stressful to not be able to erase, I had to improvise to hide some massive f* ups x) I will watch the critiques, do two more attempts and finally move on. Any comments or feedback welcome. 
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These are my attempt after watching the demo and before looking at the critics. For some of them, I tried variations of different poses to try to nail it down and understand what was happening (with various levels of success lol ). I now know I need to focus on cleaning my lines, taking a bit more time to analyse the pose before placing my shapes to avoid trying to find them on the paper. I will also try to exaggerate the poses a bit. In the meantime, any comments or feedback welcome :)
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These are my beans attempts before watching the demo. I realised (after watching the demo), that I was following the forms that I was seeing a bit too much, instead of trying to simplify it. It’s part of the training I guess.  I often tried multiple variations of the same pose to see what I could improve or if something was missing. Some twists give me brain knots I won’t lie.  As usual, any comments or feedback welcome :)) 
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These are some samples of my attempts after watching the demos and the critiques. I tried to really stay at 5min or below, but sometimes I got carried away ;D !  Any comments or feedback welcome. 
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These are some sample of my attempts before watching the demos. I struggled to follow the 2 min rule as I was coming from the drawing basics course where it was more of a 5min rule. I tried to force myself nonetheless.  I did a bunch after watching the demo and then some more after watching the critics before moving on to the bean.  Any comments or feedback welcome.  PS: isn’t it a very therapeutic exercise? 
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And some more
These are my first three attempts. The idea was to lay down a room and then do two more versions of a similar room from a different POV (just for the sake of training).  For me the hardest part was to actually come up with a room. I had fun looking online for forms that I would then use in my drawing.  I added variations between the rooms, as I was struggling to keep exact similar proportions between all my objects, so I cheated a bit by not having exactly similar rooms.  At the end, I used some fine liner to clean up the drawing while leaving some of the graphite. Of course I messed it up here and there… !  Any comments or feedback welcome :)) 
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These are my level 1 attempts. The first 3 were made before watching the demo and the last three were made after.  I struggled with the first two, everything is a bit off, and there is not much going on. I had zero inspiration as I was just trying to do some boxes. Then it started to get better with the third one which is loosely based on a house I used to live in (so I enjoyed doing it).  The fourth one is not strictly a room I guess, but I was inspired by Stan’s tube station and my daily commute. The fifth one is also loosely based on a house I went in. And the last one is my daily commute as well.  I went from struggling a lot, to doing some research to include some details, and be more accurate. It was easier to do these when I felt “connected” to what I was trying to draw. On to level 2 !  Any comments or feedback welcome ;) 
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Here are my third attempts after watching the critics. I forced myself to use the Conte (charcoal) and it is definitely a rewarding process. It is a bit frustrating at times and I moved to the Wollf’s carbon 6b.  I tried to move from Level 1 to level 2. I might have taken too much time on some of these, but I lost myself in adding some details after laying in the main rhythms.  Any comments or feedback welcome.
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Here are my second attempts after watching the demo but before watching the critics. I still needed around 30 min per pose, sometimes re-doing a pose, but I enjoyed it deeply. I guess my issue with the 5-min timer was the very unfinished vibe the poses had. Any comments or feedback welcome.
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Here are my firs attempts before watching the demo. it definitely takes me way longer than 5 min for each pose (probably around 30-40 min as I explore a lot and try to add some mass), so I will need to improve. I tried the charcoal on some of the pose but hated it, so settled down for a 6B graphite monolith on newsprint and I love the feeling. The overhand grip is definitely a game changer as well. Any comments or feedback welcome.
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Batch 7 after watching all the videos. Onto the next lessons now ! It took me so much time to go through all the pics but I loved it. Any comments or feedback welcome :)
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Batch 6 after watching all the videos. Any comments or feedback welcome :)
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Batch 5 after watching all the videos. Only 16 more to go lol. I am really trying to be more gestural with my lines and blocking my wrist fully, but sometimes the old habits kick in. I try to spend 20 min max per seal / lion. Any comments or feedback welcome
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Batch 4 after watching all the videos, I am having fun and I feel that I can do them a bit more quickly and making some progress quality wise. Any comments or feedback welcome
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Batch number 3 and the second one after watching the demo. Any comments and feedback welcome.
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Batch number 2 and the first one after watching the demo. I still need to work on my lines but I am enjoying this project a lot. I tried to include the things that were mentioned (flow, asymmetry, avoiding the snowman effect etc). I also try to spend 20/30 min max on each. Any comments and feedback welcome.
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Level 1 assignment before watching the demo. I only did a few as I wanted to ensure I was not completely off track before doing too many of them. I will keep doing them.  More than a few sheets of paper ended in the fire as I tried different shapes, but overall it was a really fun process. Sometimes I felt that the shape was a bit boring I departed slightly from the picture. Any comments or feedback welcome. 
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I tried eyeballing after watching the various videos and trying two other "full measuring" drawings. I found it way quicker and thought it was easier to stay in the drawing rather than constantly measuring with my pen. I did check a few alignments and proportion and overall I am pretty happy. I know that angles are distances that have no real units to relate to are my biggest weaknesses. I will try a few more I think. Any comments or feedback welcome :)
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I took a shot at this portrait then I did a procreate check up. I had to bring down the right eye slightly and change the angle of the right side of the face a bit. However, overall it was less bad than expected. I did it before watching the demo and it took me maybe 2 hours. Hopefully, I will be able to improve my lack of speed. Any comments or feedback welcome.
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I did not like the picture of the Musketeer that much, so I used a pic of a film I love instead (thanks British GQ for the pic). I did it in maybe 2 hours as I tried to take my time and measure as much as I could with my pencil and used plumb lines where I could. When I thought I was done I put the drawing on procreate and used the transparency method to check against the actual pic. I corrected two angles that were really off (on the helmet), otherwise I left it as is and took a mental note of my mistakes. Basically, as soon as I had to eyeball too many pieces it starts to get slightly off here and there. Any comments or feedback welcome. I will do the musketeers after watching the demo I think.
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