Here are my rhino drawings (level 1). I haven't watched the demos yet, so I hope I'm on the right track!
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First attempt. drawing all three images digitally. The VR girl was the toughest to "sketch", since she had so much detail and small lines. But I enjoyed the larger curves/lines in the other two drawings!
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Day 13! Looser drawings of a skull.
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Day 12: I notice that when I draw in perspective, I skew things towards "top-down" too much. Both yesterday and today's drawings don't match the original perspective. Something to working on...
Day 9 -- napkins!
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And Day 10, an elephant teapot:
Day 7, I spent all of my drawing time today on the CSI assignment, so I'm counting that today.
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The boots have a lot more detail and overlapping elements, it was much more challenging than the snail!
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My CSI line drawing submission (snail). I feel like my lines are still "scratchy", but overall I'm happy with how this attempt turned out.
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Day 6, a very geometric subject.
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And Day 7!
Day 5. I ended up spending a lot of time on the base and crosses, so I didn't have time to clean up the rough drawing of the figure.
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And Day 4, too!
Day 1 (yesterday), I drew a coffee grinder for half an hour. I picked it because it had simple geometric design, so I expected it to be an easy intro into the challenge.
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Day 2, I drew an orchid for about 40 minutes. I roughed out the shapes on a separate layer first, then laid in more detail and hid the very rough layer.
Fun warm-ups! I've done the "fill the page with ellipsis" exercise, this is way better.
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My first few attempts! The left two are in Clip Studio Paint (pear 1), the right are 2mm mechanical pencils on paper (pear 3).
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More gestures -- these were also untimed, but they took around a minute each, give or take.
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these gestures look really solid. You are at a point now where you need to do more of the longer drawings and see how your gestures helped/hindered your construction process- once you have that information, you will be able to go back "improve" how you do your gestures for the sake of using them as construction lines for yourself. (for example- you haven't really touched on making your pelvis's 3d boxes or using landmarks, although your use of the collar bones at this stage is excellent!) Every artist ends up developing their own approach so you'll notice how your gestures differ from other artists.
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Thanks, that's helpful advice!
Practice from today - untimed, around 1-2 minutes each, but trying to pick good lines to draw.
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Simon Austin-Burdett
I can really see your growing confidence. I am going to start the gesture course soon - do you have any tips?
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Thanks! I've done some beginner gesture before, but it never really clicked for me. I've always been torn between "draw a curvy stick figure" and "try to draw the contour as fast as you can", and so my end result was always messy with a lot of wasted lines and bad detail. Proko does a great job explaining how to balance the "feel" of the image with the contour, and watching the examples really helped it make more sense. Since I still feel like I'm a beginner with gesture, I don't have many tips to offer -- but what seems to help me is to not worry as much about time. If your 30-second drawings end up taking you 45 seconds but you get better lines out of it, then do 45 seconds. If you feel like 30 seconds is far too quick (it zips by for me), try some slower practice without worrying about time, but shooting to capture the essential lines you think should be in a 30s gesture. Eventually you can speed it up and hopefully get closer to what Proko does in his videos (or at least I hope I can!).
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Gesture Practice
I just started the Figure Drawing Fundamentals course, and I'd appreciate any constructive feedback on my gesture drawings. The first image was some 30-45 second drawings from yesterday. The second image is untimed (around a minute or two), but trying to think through the lines to simplify my gesture. And the last image is 30s drawings from tonight.
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