Andrew Little
Andrew Little
I'm a complete beginner, trying to learn the art of draftsmanship
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Andrew Little
My lip/mouth assignment. Would be really grateful for some feedback here, as I'm finding the mouth area tricky
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Andrew Little
First bit of practise with the asaro head from front view. Finding the basics planes are beginning to stick in my mind, the features, however, need a lot more work !
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Andrew Little
I have begun practising the Asaro head and a few loomis heads. Feedback/thoughts welcome
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Andrew Little
More skull drawing practise, hoping to move onto studying the simple asaro head soon. Feel I need to do a little more work just to get better with the proportions of the ball of the head and the box-y jaw. Comments always welcomed
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Andrew Little
Evening all. A little more work on skulls tonight. I did these both without references and am relatively happy with how they turned out !
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Andrew Little
I've been studying the skull for the last few days now, it feels a big jump from the loomis head however, i feel slowly but surely i am becoming able to draw a skull for 3/4 view. Also really happy that after much resistant I am slowly beginning to draw more confidently from my shoulders and elbows and avoiding drawing from my wrist all the time. Happy drawing all and any comments welcome !
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Andrew Little
More work on the skull. The loomis head has been really helpful here. Difficult to get everything lined up correctly, will need to draw plenty more :)
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Andrew Little
Today I studied the skull in an attempt to gain a better understanding of the planes of the faces. Wow, I found it difficult, in particular getting the mouth and nose correct and in perspective. Much work to be done. A fun study nonetheless. Feedback always welcome :)
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Andrew Little
Slowly working on portraiture. Attempted a few famous faces. Feel like it might be soon time to study the asaro head in efforts to start identifying the basic planes of the face. All thoughts welcomed :)
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Andrew Little
Had a go practising some loomis heads of different shapes , with help from the drawing the head and hands books. Really good fun study :)
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