Neill Brengettsey
Neill Brengettsey
Concord CA
Neill Brengettsey
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Neill Brengettsey
Glad I was able to return to this! Lot of changes that I feel clarify things.
Neill Brengettsey
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Neill Brengettsey
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Noah Ra
i dont understand how he makes the layout bigger
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Neill Brengettsey
He uses photoshop to enlarge the layout, places his Bristol paper on the screen and traces it there.
Neill Brengettsey
By a show of ink and paint covered, pencil callused hands who's here to learn to be a writer?
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Neill Brengettsey
After hearing Zub's path in comics I can understand why they make this class comprehensive of every role.
Neill Brengettsey
Become a better writer so you can criticize the scripts you're given? (Smile) Taking art classes to become a better writer seems counter intuitive. (Confused) I've never seen a creative writing course that includes art, maybe this is the beginning?
Are there any better ways of blowing up an image for those without a scanner and photoshop?
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Neill Brengettsey
David's using his computer screen as a light table and tracing on to art board. Options: Take a picture with your cellphone and load it on your computer by emailing it to yourself. All computers come with a graphics program. You can then use computer screen as light table.
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