Oleksandr Klakov
Oleksandr Klakov
An aspiring concept artist, learning to have fun with art :)
Activity Feed
Oleksandr Klakov
Great, concise description of the brush engine and how to take most out of it in just 20 ish minutes, amazing.
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Dan Casagrande
I understand the lessons will be shared on a weekly based, is that correct? Any particular day of the week?
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Oleksandr Klakov
I don't think it's the case for now
Could we have more classes released for those who want to learn sooner?
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Oleksandr Klakov
I doubt it, and from my experience, it's not about how fast classes get released, but how much you practice, if you use the week in between each class to practice the new one and revisit the older ones you'll be learning much quicker than by binge watching all the classes one after the other.
Oleksandr Klakov
I present The Puppeteer :) Born from the hands of a skilled craftsman, after his creator died, this robot, searched for a new home, but in a quite macabre way, believe me when I say that you don't want to know the details of it's adventure. First of a couple submissions where I'll be mainly focusing on having fun and do robots that I like :D hope you'll enjoy them too!
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Oleksandr Klakov
Welcome to B.B.B. Big Brain Bot. Humanity realized that to make a human like robot, they had to use a human brain! This was their first attempt at creating such a thing, and part of the staff had some fun costomizing it!
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Benjamin Lofting
Big Orange Bean!!!! His name is M-03 (the M stands for Michael ;) ) He's not the oddest bot in town, but he do be bot! Had a lot of fun making this and I feel like I've learned a lot. Good luck everyone and I absolutely love your art, Josh!
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Oleksandr Klakov
looking great, love it :D
Oleksandr Klakov
Here is yet another submission :D I find rendering directly with colors much harder, but I won't deny that I'm learning a lot and having tons of fun along the way! Hope you'll enjoy it :)
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Oleksandr Klakov
Hello everyone! here is my 1st submission for the Odd bots challenge! Hope you'll enjoy it :)
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Dylan Doster
So im almost done with my robot, but I'm afraid its not odd enough, so I've started another one. But if possible can I submit both or only one ? Thanks 😊
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Oleksandr Klakov
that's the same thing I was wondering too.
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