David Nordstrom-Rasmussen
David Nordstrom-Rasmussen
David Nordstrom-Rasmussen
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David Nordstrom-Rasmussen
I find it incredibly difficult to measure things because of factors I believe are out of my control. I work on paper as opposed to being digital artist. At this moment in time, I currently measure things by using a ruler and a marking down who long an object is to an eighth of a centimeter. This works for determining length very well. My problems start to arise when it gets to angles and positioning. My glasses' prescription is out of date and my eyesight has been somewhat compromised as a result. This makes objects very slightly blurry. Also, I can't hold my arm or hand in a position without them slightly shaking. I don't why that is though. Is there anybody here in a similar position that has figured something out?
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