Nikki De Backer
Nikki De Backer
Belgium, Bruges
Hi! My name is Nikki and I am a junior 2D fx animator from Belgium
Storm Engineer
I'm Storm, from Hungary. I'm a digital artist mostly interested in anthropomorphic animals (or "furry art"), creatures, fantasy. I'm doing art full time as much as my health allows and make my living from furry commissions. I'm greatly inspired by classical painters, especially late Renaissance and Baroque but also some modern masters. My influences include Caravaggio, Velázquez, Vermeer, Rembrandt, Rubens, Sargent, Bouguereau, Craig Mullins, Karla Ortiz and many, many more. There are several anthro/furry artist influences too, like Bubblewolf (, Reykat (, Nomax (, Honovy, Pacelic (, Veramundis, Yanchek and more. My dream is to develop a style similar to classical painters, but paint the anthro characters and things I like. It is also my dream to be able to make a decent living doing art and to become an art educator one day. Here are some of my better pieces:
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Nikki De Backer
Hi Storm, welcome to the community! Your BG in the second last painting looks really good! I would love to see Renaissance and Baroque paintings but with furry art!
Achintya Vajpeyi
Hello everyone, my name is Achintya. I'm a 19 year old from India. Just getting started on Proko 2.0 and I have to say I'm really excited! I haven't really found a style yet or any particular kind of works I like to do but I hope to grow better and better with each passing day. Here are some of my works:
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Nikki De Backer
Hi Achintya! Love your watercolour portraits! Good luck with finding your style.
Mimi T.
I’d love some advice on how to improve my gesture drawings. It seems every time I do a gesture, I follow the contour of the body more so than motion. I also have trouble exaggerating the pose because I draw what I see and the poses often become stiff. Any tips or advice? 
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Nikki De Backer
Hi Mimi! I love your drawings! Dancers are super fun to draw. If I have difficulty with a step in my learning process I often look back to the lesson before it. I would suggest going back to the video “how to draw gesture” and try doing the gestures in one line like Stan does in the video. You can’t do a contour of the figure if you do it in one line so you will have to look at the figure in a very different way. Personally I didn’t like doing just one line because in the end you just have a piece of paper with lines 😂 but it helped me so much for drawing gesture and it is a quick and easy exercise! Hopes this might help you. Good luck!
Charline B.R.
Bonjour, goedendag, hello, nice to meet you all :) I'm Charline from Belgium. I'm was a 3D artist a decade ago then dropped art carreer entirely. I'm back since 2-3 years as a "hobbyist". I aim at drawing european style comics, mostly self-writen stories. I was told about Proko course a year ago and followed some of the anatomy lessons. I'm glad the website evolved into a full art community (and also impressed it's a web assembly site, much appreciated :p). Proko's lessons were among the most useful I found when I was looking for a fresh restart, this plateform has a big potential to help people improve ! I'm unsure how much I will be able to engage, as I have a day job and a lot of commute, but I will give it a try. Also, I made the mistake to join too many art communities for a while and exhausted myself trying to follow everything everywhere. I'm slow pace person and that burned me out quite a bit. Anyway, see you around, have a good day !
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Nikki De Backer
Hi Charlene, I absolutely love your work! Looking forward to see your comics.
Nikki De Backer
Hi everyone! Super excited to join this art community! My name is Nikki and I am a junior 2D animator living in Belgium. I love gesture drawing and creating one drawing stories. I really want to go through the art fundamentals because I went over them to quickly when I was studying art. I would also love to go back to painting. Here are some of my recent works.
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