Nicholas Allott
Nicholas Allott
Nicholas Allott
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So…I know I am extremely late on the assignment but here are my sketches (haven’t seen the critique video yet!) Meet Joe..he is a very lazy capybara who loves to eat and spend quality time with Bird, his inseparable companion of adventures.
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Nicholas Allott
I like how this turned out.
Nicholas Allott
This is a good way of thinking about lines. Its nice to know they all have their place.
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Nicholas Allott
This animal is called a black shrew. 😁
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Nicholas Allott
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Nicholas Allott
Day 14 of creating linear drawings from life, as instructed. 📷😄
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Nicholas Allott
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Nicholas Allott
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Nicholas Allott
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Nicholas Allott
Day 11. I struggled. 🪑
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Nicholas Allott
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Nicholas Allott
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Nicholas Allott
Second attempt. Hand proportions went too far off the first time. 😅 Done in Krita with an Intuos Large.
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Nicholas Allott
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Nicholas Allott
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Nicholas Allott
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Nicholas Allott
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Nicholas Allott
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Nicholas Allott
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Chris W
Day 5 and 6 for me. It took me two sessions due to other commitments.
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Nicholas Allott
Good job. Compared to your photo, the ellipse at the bottom of the lamp is not so wide vertically (there is less 2d space between the globe and the bottom edge of the lamp). The ellipse is also wider horizontally. Its about 3x as wide as the globe sticking out. I hope this feedback helps. 🙂
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