Dan B
I think many of us have been here! I picked up art again a few years ago after not touching it since I was a kid and while I was doing lots of 'fundamental' practice, I didn't know what to really apply it to, even though I enjoyed doing it. I would constantly sit there thinking 'how can all these artists have so many ideas and creations, I can't think of anything! What do I want to draw? What type of art do I want to do? Etc' Well, now I've finally got some (not completely flowing freely yet!) inspirations and ideas through slowly realising what it is I actually enjoy, rather than looking at amazing art and wishing I could replicate that: I love insects (particularly wasps), used to love collecting them as a kid but I'd forgotten about it until I moved house to one with space and nature around and reignited the curiosity and inspiration! I now enjoy macro photography and hopefully translating that into art. Not saying it's easy, or that it'll come immediately, but take some time to think about what you really enjoy... or perhaps used to really enjoy before you 'grew up?' What things (not art) do you see that excite you? Draw that! And if you're not feeling inspired, do the fundamental: lines, boxes, spheres, they can always be improved and keep you practicing and building the habit. Hope that ramble helps! Here's some insect drawing fun I've been enjoying for inspiration. The best thing is, if it's something you enjoy drawing, you don't mind so much if it's not great because you're learning, not trying necessarily to copy something amazing already.
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Thank you! Right now, there’s still a lot for me to learn, so I do want to practice the fundamentals (and more). When it comes to just creating art, though, making something that I’m interested in is a good call. This response has given me a few ideas.
Hey! So, I’ve been trying to get into digital art lately, and I even want to keep practicing traditional art. However, I struggle a lot with finding the motivation to just sit down and make something, without worrying about the outcome. I also have trouble with knowing what to draw, although sometimes I have an idea of what I want to try. Additionally, I want to find a purpose to my art, or a direction to push it in (eg. anatomy, environments, concepts, characters, etc.). To me, trying out different things seems like the way to go. Any advice?
Hey there! I’ve been trying to get into digital art, but I lack motivation and the feeling of confidence that I need to just try something and not worry about the outcome. Do you know anything about that?
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