I have loved art my whole life and am now on a journey to learn fundamentals that I‘ve been missing!
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Hello everyone! :D It says in the lessons note page that “The challenge will be judged as a whole, so winners will be chosen from all entries, regardless of the design prompt selected”. Could someone maybe explain this a bit more? Does this mean that there are different design prompts to choose from and not just ‘demon prince’? Monstober sounds intresing! I don’t really know anything about it though, I tried to google it but mostly found links to the Disney channel and other things that didn’t appear to have anything to do with this kind of monstober. Does anyone else know anything more about it or have a link to it or something? I think this will be fun and I’m looking forward to see what everyone creates! :D
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Hi! I don’t really know there I want to go with my art yet, except I want express myself through it and hopefully create meaningful and beautiful art pieces. I wish to learn and improve so if anyone of you would like to give me a critique or feedback I would appriciate it very much! Thank you! :D
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Hi everyone! This is who I created for the reference bash. She is called The Listener to Secrets. She is a being of the ethereal plane, who listens to the stories and whispers of those small creatures that moves unnoticed amongst other greater entities. Softly singing in her ear is (a bird seahorse), a spirit of both air and water. The force shining from her back makes her float and she uses her jellyfishlike tendrils to move and swim through the aether. The other references I have used are a leaf for her torso and the mushrooms growing as her hair. Thank you for this very intresting and fun challenge! Good Luck to everyone! :D
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João Bogo
This deadline seems a little tight. Normally we get 2 weeks, this time it's just 5 days
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The shorter amount of time is probably because we are only doing sketches this time and not finished drawings and paintings. :)
Jim A
Marshall opens Stan's mind. Alternative title: "Dammit Marshall!" Inspired by Marshall's hawk-like direct gaze to camera when he explains a point and his owlish wisdom, he had to be a bird of prey. Polychromos pencil on paper for the morphs, then into Photoshop for some extra drawing and general digital tomfoolery.
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Great pice of art, I like the conposition of this! :D
Lasse Jin Brøgger
Hi y'all, I had a lot of fun doing this challenge. Here is my entry: Marshall Vandruff in Pinocchio theme. Hope you like it :-)
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I really like the theme in this picture, the hand of the blue fairy, that poor ‘Procchio’ kangaroo and Marshall really is the perfect Jimini Cricket! And so many great details in the background to, like the broken guest cigarette, pin up skelly and those book titles! I looove this! :D
Anthony Ross
I discovered this challenge while binge watching the first season of the Draftsman podcast. There was no better choice than to continue listening into the second season while creating the speakers into animals. I had a few ideas, yet when Rafiki came to mind, I knew that he was the perfect candidate for Marshall. In my mind's eye, I could see Marshall holding up Stan off the cliff with Scar in the background, matching the intensity of Ethan's persona. When I connected his eye brow scar to the cartoon... Well, I couldn't resist. - Anthony @whenanthonywas
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This is amazing! Great work! :D
Lex Brunova
Dear Community, let me introduce you to a wild species unique to Southern California. He rises tall and gazes on the horizon, foreshadowing the future of arts and education, eyeing for talent and goodwill. He is a highly cooperative creature, always ready to stand up for students in need. I mean, look at that ear shape, that cheekbone, that playful spark in the eyes, that noble posture... No doubt, it must be him — Meershall, the High Meerkat of Arts. Oh and hi, I'm Lex from Ukraine, and this is my first challenge submission Ever™. The illustration is quarter imperial, so slightly under A3 in size. I did lots of sketches, a preliminary drawing, and then the final piece. I love watercolor, Marshall loves watercolor, so it all made sense to me. I had a blast making it, so I hope Ethan and the community have fun viewing it, too!
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ooh! I love this! :D
Rizwan Piracha
Hi Everyone, Here's one inspired by Stan's advice.
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This is great! :D
Hi jdn. I’m so very sorry to read about your troubles. I noticed it been awhile since you wrote this so hopefully you might have gotten a bit better since then. I’ve read about some artist that learned to use their left hand then they could not use the right one any more. You might not be able to draw as well with the left but at least you might be able to draw something, better then nothing at least :) I have very dry eyes and use eye drops at times, maybe it might be helpful to you to depending on your specific eye problems. I like both of the pictures you’ve made! :D I didn’t know who Todd Howard was, but then I looked it up, I can see that you really captured his likeness! And the picture you did from your imagination looks great too, reminds me of surrealist art! I think you have a very interesting personal style and a creative mind! :D I really I hope you will get better and find a way to be creative in a way that doesn’t hurt you.
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