Mikhail Solovev
Academic realism of the Russian school. He specializes in complex nude angles and complex multi-figure paintings.
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Guys, I finally got access to my account and was able to reply to your comments!
The most common question is what kind of paper do I use and how do I stretch the paper. I use the most ordinary paper. cheap, not watercolor, without texture. thick enough not to tear immediately, but less dense than watercolor paper. In fact, it's not about paper and your pencils, but about the system of your thoughts.
How I stretch: It is necessary to moisten the paper with plenty of water on one side and leave for 7-10 minutes. The paper is stretched as much as possible during this time. We put the paper on the tablet with the wet side: and it sticks to the tablet almost perfectly evenly. The dry side of the paper is facing you and you won't be able to damage it with your hands as much as the wet side. I fix the paper with a stapler. Maybe with glue. you don’t need to pull it hard, it will stretch itself, because you soaked it properly at the beginning. Since the wet side is facing the tablet, after 5 minutes you can start toning the paper.
What kind of paper should I be seeking to stretch it properly, while also maintaining a decent texture?
Hello, I use the cheapest Russian paper without texture. It is quite dense and does not tear. there is no gray in the paper - the main thing is that it should not be watercolor, not too dense and without texture.
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Is there a way to turn on closed captioning? My ears are bad and distinguishing words is difficult.
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Mikhail Solovev added a new premium lesson
Mikhail Solovev added a new premium lesson
Mikhail Solovev added a new lesson
Mikhail Solovev added a new premium lesson
Mikhail Solovev added a new lesson
Mikhail Solovev added a new premium lesson