Michael Rosengart
Michael Rosengart
Washington DC
Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist that uses illustrations to help teach people about Prehab Exercises and Techniques.
Activity Feed
Gabriel Kahn
Hey there! As much as I love your lineart (It's wonderful) I think it's not the greatest tool for studies like this, be more free, be more gestural. Other than that I recommend adding some core shadows to define the form better.
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Michael Rosengart
I totally understand where you’re coming from and you make a good point! Thanks for the feedback!
Kristian Nee
Hey Michael! These are really solid. In the context of using these fro an exercise book, these seem like they'll be work! I guess my biggest critique is to watch your proportions a bit. For example, in the third image, it feels like their right foot is a bit too small. Correct me if I'm wrong, but these feel a bit like tracings (totally fine). The reason I ask is that you lose out on gesture when tracing. The feet in all of them seem a bit flat, and I think that adding some structure to them would do a lot for the appeal of the images. Also in the context of using these images for educational purposes, I would inject more information. In the second image, everything in the torso is accurate, but the side of the leg where the IT band is seems lacking. Also, near the neck, it seems like you didn't include the shoulder blades or traps. These are good though! Really cool that you're using them for a personal project. Keep up the good work!
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Michael Rosengart
Thank you! I will incorporate more gestures for sure and also follow your other feedbacks as well. Thanks for your input!
Michael Rosengart
Feedback would be appreciated! Thanks
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Michael Rosengart
Please let me know your thoughts on these! I am looking to create accurate depictions of exercises for a book. I just started on the anatomy course. My process is the following: I take photos of myself doing the exercises (with clothes on) and then I use the photos to guide the illustrations. I need to invent all of the anatomy details and I am looking to create illustrates that accurately depict form and are also a bit dynamic to look at it. Thanks for your feedback!
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