Marcos Vinícius Vieira Lustosa
Marcos Vinícius Vieira Lustosa
Trying to draw...
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Marcos Vinícius Vieira Lustosa
any advice on getting better at drawing without drawing? (im hurt and can't draw now)
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Marcos Vinícius Vieira Lustosa
i hurted myself drawing and now i can't draw anymore, even writing this is hurting my arm to say the truth, but i was wondering if it has some way to improve my drawing skills while in time out
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Marcos Vinícius Vieira Lustosa
Hello marco Im marco with an S at the end, and im here to make a question about painting studies, im thinking of doing some, and i wanted to hear some recommendations, do you have any?
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Marcos Vinícius Vieira Lustosa
one more question I've been a fan of yours since I discover your YouTube channel. and your illustrations and paitings inspired me a lot i want thank you for your incredible work on the youTube videos they helped so much. the question i want to make is if you could teach a class one thing about your way of painting and they would be leaving the class knowing this what you would teach them? thx.
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Marcos Vinícius Vieira Lustosa
hey marco what kind of music you been listening to? do u listen to music while working or u prefer just silence to better concentrate? Thx
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Marcos Vinícius Vieira Lustosa
hey marco my name is also marco but with a "s" at the end, well, i wanted to know more about your experience working on teams and how to deal with annoying teammates or annoying people at the industry in general. thx
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Marcos Vinícius Vieira Lustosa
hey marco my name is also marco but with a "s" at the end well, do you have any tips to how show/expose your work? what to say and what not say in a interview, and what the people responsible for employment are going to be looking for in a concept artist? thx
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Marcos Vinícius Vieira Lustosa
hey marco my name is also marco but with a "s" at the end well, what i want to ask is, what time limit do you recommend for artists to work in? if you even recommend anything like this. because i hear a lot about how good is for an artists to be able to finish a work as fast as they can. i want to know more about the dead lines of the industry and your experiences with it. thx
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Marcos Vinícius Vieira Lustosa
do you guys have any tips for highschool students? im having a lot of problems with time management.
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Marcos Vinícius Vieira Lustosa
Question: how much time do you have to create a character design? and what info they gave you before you even start?
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