Programmer learning to draw!
Having gone through a good chunk of drawabox, these weren't too hard! I challenged myself a little on the second Trace the Ruler page by not rotating the page and drawing the lines at whatever angle I'd laid down in ink first, which was pretty challenging for anything not slanting up and to the right as I usually draw these!
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Here’s my attempt at the level 1 project! Definitely had some proportional weirdness on the second one, but the rest went okay I think.
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Here’s my attempt at the level 1 project! Not quite sure if I’ve done a good job simplifying the boots, but I’ll go watch the critiques next and see how others did it.
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Here’s my attempt at the simplified pear!
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I gave this a second attempt after watching the critique video. I think it turned out better, though I could still use some practice on clean shading.
Did a little playing around, and a drawing from a photo with a couple pencil sets I've had for a while now!
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I've been practicing the Bean lesson for a while now, these are from a practice session today. I feel like it's been going pretty well, but I've been learning on my own for a while now and probably have some blind spots, so any feedback would be really helpful!
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