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Hey Stan and Co., Thanks for doing this for the community. Here are a few pieces I've been working on over the last 3 months. I've always been drawn to visual art, but have recently decided to study it full time. I'm dedicating less time on 'finished pieces' and more towards doing drawings from life (live model drawing of various lengths, city sketches, quick studies of friends); hence, why I have so few photos to include. I'd like to learn oil painting and more about color, but I think the most important thing for me right now is to continue pursuing how to capture more with less. This is something I feel is a weakness and something that, in the past, I'd run away from doing. I guess my goal is to be able to truly capture a moment for someone; to capture what it means and feels to live. Sometimes this works out ok, sometimes not so much. I'd like for this not to feel like a stroke of luck, and more of that grateful culminating feeling one gets from years of practice and dedication. So I guess I have a long road ahead of me; luckily, it's a road I love walking on. Thanks again; any comment/critique is greatly appreciated. My Best, Austen Kim p.s. Sorry for the picture quality--I only work in physical mediums, although I would like to try digital someday
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