John Brittain
John Brittain
John Brittain
Drawn with a 2B clutch pencil. Boxing bully jail bird. No 3 is the finished one.
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John Brittain
All three drawings were done with a woodless 2B graphite pencil
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John Brittain
Simplify Skeleton 2B clutch Pencil and woodless EE
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John Brittain
Couldn't get the right camera angle to complement the drawing.
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John Brittain
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John Brittain
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John Brittain
Day Five
John Brittain
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John Brittain
A bit complicated - maybe not simplified.
Pamela Dowie
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John Brittain
Great Drawing!
John Brittain
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John Brittain
Drawing Challenge day 4: Woodless Graphite HB
Hi :D this is my first attempt with the snail
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John Brittain
That's a great effort.
John Brittain
Attempt No 1. Snail
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John Brittain
Vase on a plate, Grafo 2B
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John Brittain
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John Brittain
desk scene, blacking pencil
John Brittain
John Brittain
Please help, My photo won't upload. The file name is: backyard.jpeg
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John Brittain
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John Brittain
I don't seem to be able to load my photo. File name is image/jpeg
John Brittain
Sorry, forgot my photo
John Brittain
Ball-point pen
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