João Vallo
João Vallo
Activity Feed
João Vallo
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João Vallo
No one ever draws it as it is........ AVENGER ART DUMMY! *omg*
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João Vallo
Terry Crews morphing into a sabertooth tiger (because my unconcious mind wanted it)
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João Vallo
p.s. Ink and poorly digitalized with rudimentary equipment
João Vallo
This video is just awesome ( Spent a lot of time trying to measure and capture nuances (gesture/toes singularities) and I would spend more if starting over!
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João Vallo
Tried to take measurements (hard times) using graphite, then charcoal on print paper (wich proved to be a poor choice). HOWEVER, lots of fun! Thanks for the content, PROKO 2.0 IS ON!!!!!
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João Vallo
Final result!
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