Jessina Jana
Jessina Jana
Still have a lot to learn but eager to grow! Staying curious, practicing, and experimenting.
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Jessina Jana
Here are a couple shots of my practice. Pretty difficult for me! I feel like I need to do a few reams of printer paper mushrooms to get the lines right.
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Jessina Jana
Thank you for this! Especially reminding me of the warm-ups and not to be discouraged about how loooong it takes me to "get better." Excited about the course. ☺️
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Marco Sordi
2022/9/24. Good morning everybody. Here’s my 30 mins warming up exercise. Thanks and have a good weekend.
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Jessina Jana
These are great, really show the action lines.
Shelvs Fleurima
Portrait mastering after a year of proko class
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Jessina Jana
The colors are great on these, cool characters!
Jessina Jana
Hi, I have a few 1 min, 2 min and 30 sec gesture drawings here. I am still learning how to make the lines flow a lot better and I know a few of these are pretty rough. Some of them I got frustrated and moved on or ran out of time. But any thoughts would be appreciated! Thank you!
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Mohammed Alnajdi
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Jessina Jana
These turned out great, I love the shapes!
Jessina Jana
Here are my 5! I made about 25 of these and picked the 5 I thought were best, haha. I am not super familiar with gouache and the big brush was super challenging! I used pics from my trip to Iceland. Thank you for pushing us with this challenge.
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