Tobias Degnebolig
is this just alot of knowledge in perscpective and structure u are using? (thinking of what kind of fundamenals?)
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Jay Raj
with experience and wisdom. try some online video to make concreate basics.
Yiming Wu
They are all looking awesome! Doesn't really looking stiff to me though. How big are all these? I can hardly get clean lines like this, usually when I get to the stage like this I would have erased a lot of times for construction and structure lines. How are your image this clean?
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Jay Raj
if you are doing graphite art work.. then try to blend those like in half tone . make sure your construction lines are light handed.
Jay Raj
Yoni back Figure Drawing
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Jay Raj
Attack on Titans fanart DC style
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Jay Raj
Sekiro The shadow dies twice in jojo style
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