Evelien Picavet
Evelien Picavet
The Netherlands - Oss
Hi! My name is Eve, I am a visual art student from the Netherlands and I am here to learn. Feel free to talk art with me or leave some feedback.
Evelien Picavet
Only had time to do this little guy.
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Lynn Fang
I tried them before watching the video. I knew I drew too many details once I saw the video cover. Just hope I can draw more relaxed.
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Evelien Picavet
I love this, I wish I could make lines like these.
Evelien Picavet
Bit late to the party, but I did these before watching the 'solution' videos
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Evelien Picavet
Day 7: Lulu. Struggled so hard with this one and I really don't like how it turned out. Feedback is welcome though.
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Evelien Picavet
I think she looks a bit wonky. And the eclipse underneath her is in the wrong perspective. But thank you for being so kind guys <3 I really appreciate it.
Evelien Picavet
Day 4, 5, 6. I have been drawing my 3D prints. It's a bit scary to admit, but I am already slowly losing motivation to draw every day. Does anyone have tips for me?
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day 1- started with something light and simple
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Evelien Picavet
Are you sure they are light tho :D?
Evelien Picavet
Day 3: Unfortunately I don't have much time to draw today, but I still took some minutes to draw this ducky. Feedback is welcome.
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Tim K
2. Day I really struggled with getting the earbud look right. I think the partial ellipses on the ends are out of perspective, but I was not able to get them right before I erased my paper to death:-) I think drawing from life should stay part of my daily practice after this challenge.
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Evelien Picavet
You made yours a bit thinner and taller. You could maybe try it again a different day if you felt like you could not make the changes you want due so much erasing. And then you can compare. And yes! this is great practice, I am also aiming to keep doing it after these two weeks. Nice job!
Evelien Picavet
Day 2: Little Dino friend. Feedback is welcome! I feel like I am making my drawings too stylized. And I can see how his spikes are too small.
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Evelien Picavet
My day 1. Personally I feel like I could have done better. But I have been drawing a lot today, so I will forgive myself. I can see that the values are not dark enough at the top and that mine is a bit too thicc.
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Evelien Picavet
This was so much harder than I anticipated! For small details I start using my fingers instead of my whole arm automatically, even if I try not to.
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Evelien Picavet
I am a bit confused on why we go cooler on both sides with the Cyan. Shouldn't the left side go warmer, just like with the red? Sorry, just trying to understand.
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Evelien Picavet
My second attempt at the portrait. This time i tried turning my drawing and the reference upside down. This way, I could really focus on shapes instead of drawing a face. Not sure if it's a good method, but maybe this works for some of you too. Feedback is welcome.
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Evelien Picavet
It's an exercise from the book: Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y2lgutQ0HLg
Eric Lindau
"Imagine the fruit to be sculpted out of wood with a big chisel."
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Evelien Picavet
Love this! nice concept
Evelien Picavet
Cute little pears. Feedback is welcome.
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Rohit M
2nd attempt on the portrait - the proportions of the faces are off. However, my key concern is the the face still looks flat - not sure if it is because I used too many shapes or due to low contrast levels or maybe both?
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Evelien Picavet
Nice job. Although there is still some work on proportions, I can already see improvements comparing it to your first attempt. You tend to make the entire drawing lean to the right. You did it in all of them, even the pear. That could be something to keep in mind. For it being too flat; I think you need to add some shading to his left cheek. Even thought that triangle shape is catching light, you made it really bright (also it's not really a triangle in you version). Think of the head as a sphere being shaded. But overall I think you should just keep reducing. Reduce the amount of values from 6 to 5, to make it easier. Reduce the amount of shapes you make. And make them sharper. Hope this helps a bit. Keep up the good work!
Evelien Picavet
I tried to draw an apple. There are two things I struggled mainly with: 1. I could not find the core shadow. How should I tackle that? Leave it out? Change my lighting? 2. I do not understand what way to move my pencil. It creates very different textures. But I am not sure how to make it look good? Do I hatch/crosshatch? All the feedback is welcome. I love seeing all your assignments. Keep up the good work!
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Mel "Melissa" Moraitis
My pear may be a bit wonky as I have a tendency to freehand everything, but thought I'd go for it and give the pear a try. :). It's definitely not as easy as one would think. sheesh. Spent about 1 1/2 hours and thought I'd quit before I over did it. Maybe I didn't go far enough. P.S. Not sure why it's saying "Asked for Help" Obviously I'm hitting the wrong button...sorry. :(
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Evelien Picavet
I think it looks amazing though. Don't be so hard on yourself.
Evelien Picavet
First time I saw a swan in my mothers home town and I ended up drawing it. And first time using the staedtler 2mm. I bought them for this course. :)
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Evelien Picavet
My attempt for the reference shown in the video. I got a big urge to dive into photoshop and correct some of the proportions, moving the eyes down a bit, making the forehead larger. But I am not going to do it! I want to be fair and stay true to myself. I am going to try to do the entire coarse traditonally even though I've only been drawing digital for the past few years. Anyone else anxious about this? Let's just try to have fun. Really looking forward to starting.
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