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added comment inHow to Draw Gesture
Those are drawings from previous Sunday.
I was in kind of a rush and also have used B pencil instead of HB. I felt small difference between them but that didn't changed my "scratchy" lines. Also, is it necessary to attach photos which I've been referencing to and do I need to post my "everyday" routine?
These are drawings for previous Friday. I felt like "I don't follow any advice properly" and "Am I missing the point of gesture drawing?".
Those thoughts are kinda stressful and they constantly stalking me!
Actually, the essence is there, only you have to learn to see the gesture, the direction of the turns better.
For example in the picture of the girl with the gun, in the sixth image, if you look carefully at her legs you'll realise that they don't describe a straight line but the one behind forms a slight C while the one ahead bends slightly forward with a sinuous S-shaped line that starts from the pelvis and ends at the tip of the feet.
Those are my drawings for previous Monday and Thursday (I draw the first one on Monday).
I don't really think that I was paying attention to them and I'm not really sure for photos which I am using. I will post more of my practice tonight. Please help.
These are mine gestures for Saturday and Sunday (I skipped the Friday). Saturday was the most productive day 8 drawings, wow!
Sadly to say, that since Sunday I've done only one quick and bad-looking gesture SO. It would be hard.
I would say that you have captured the gesture very effectively, you just need to learn to control the lines better but this will come with practice, not a big problem for now.
I would recommend using a slightly softer pencil which I think is better suited to your hand, judging by your lines (we are not all the same and the quality of our lines changes with time. Maybe in time you will get better with a harder pencil but for now I would recommend using a soft lead which will make it easier to draw smooth lines).
Oh, I know it's a habit to say you have to draw every day but, believe me, there's nothing wrong with taking a day off from time to time when you're in the habit of drawing regularly.
Otherwise, you may find it a big problem if, due to an unforeseen event or other, you are unable to draw one day.
Don't push yourself more than necessary, set your own pace and follow it calmly, it's not a race and you don't earn points by drawing at the table on Sundays instead of enjoying your lunch. Resting and doing other things is part of the creative process. :)
This were my 3rd and 4th days of practicing figure drawings and I don't like the way it's going. Maybe I'm going to fast or/and it's just me being dumb. I'm fully open for critiques. Please, help!
Hi @Dweeb, so the first thing I waned to emphasize is that learning art really is going to be a journey that takes many years so I encourage you not to be too hard on yourself if the process doesn't feel that great for the first few days. It's going to be a drop in a bucket when you compare it to the length of your entire journey.
There are a few ways that you can make the process feel more fun however. One thing I want to point out is that the process of drawing the figure means that you are juggling 10+ concepts of drawing all at the same time. If you find yourself getting frustrated with the process, it might be because you are juggling too many concepts at once.
Since it seems like you want to focus on gesture, then I think the best thing for you would be to find images that make gesture studies easier. Your first and second images (with the volleyball player and the shirtless dude) will make gesture studies incredibly difficult because there's a lot of subtlety that you need to take note of to nail those drawings. I think you should find more exaggerated reference for now, like the one of the dancer and the Muay Thai figure, because those gestures are very clear and will make these exercises more pleasant for the time being. As you start to learn more about drawing the human figure, then you can start to progress into harder figure drawing references.
Hope this helps! Again, I want to point out that your gesture studies of the dancer and the Muay Thai dude look really great and you should keep up your studies!
overall I think you have captured the gesture of the figures very well, however, I think your sketches could use a more consistent line, what I mean by this is, using fewer more confident lines instead of many small individual lines making up the sketch. Proko's video on how to hold a pencil and the different types of grip such as overhand and tripod grip really helped me with this. I don't think this applies to all your sketches though just a couple.
Keep up the good work.
Asked for help
I've done this drawings on previous Tuesday. Same thing with layering a paper over the photo. That time I've try to use a "proko" type of gesture.
Hi @Dweeb I think these are overall looking pretty solid. I've attached a draw over for one of your images with something that you may want to keep in mind while doing these studies.
One thing that I didn't explain in the text is that the principle of 'simple vs detail' is a principle of design that you want to try to utilize whenever possible. Even when I drew in my limb shapes and torso shapes, I incorporated that idea of keeping one side simple and the other side more detailed.
Other than that I think these are good starting studies. Feel free to let me know if there is anything that I can clear up for you
Asked for help
This is my study of gesture drawing for previous Monday. I used to layer paper sheet on a PC screen to get the proportions right. I don't really think that this "method" is going to work and also I am going to share more of it.
Hi @Dweeb I definitely agree that for your initial studies, you should try avoid tracing as much as possible. However, it is definitely not a bad tool for learning when used correctly. What I would recommend is that you do one drawing where you try to draw from the reference free hand. Then for your second drawing, trace the figure so that you can see exactly where your proportions for the first drawing may be off. Finally, do a third drawing where you try to correct your mistakes from the first drawing.
Doing exercises like this where you actively try to find your mistakes and then fix them will lead to some rapid growth. I'll take a look at your other posts to address your other questions, and great work!
Do I need to put a paper sheet over my PC screen to get body gesture from a photo right?