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added comment inHow to Draw Gesture
Asked for help
Here is my gesture drawing practice. I tried to draw loosely and try my best not to focus too much on the detail and only the flow of the poses.
I still sometime find myself worrying about proportion of the gesture line.
is this a valid point that i should be concerned about?
And Any feedback on how should i improve? Thank you.
[Those are 2 minute gesture drawing.]
Matt Sanford
These look pretty good so far, a lot of these poses seem pretty clear. (Except pose #5 on the first row, I'm not quite sure what that person is doing.)
I struggle a bit with proportion too--what might help is doing multiple gestures of the same reference, but pausing in-between to compare your sketch with the reference. You could also overlay your sketch over the reference and mark off where the proportions should be, relative to where they landed in your gesture. With repeated attempts, that might help you calibrate your instincts when doing additional sketches.
Hope that helps, and good luck on your gesture journey!
Asked for help
Greetings! I'm pretty new to gesture drawing, and wanted to get some feedback to see if I'm on the right track so far, or if there's some aspect of gesture drawing I should focus on more. All of these were 60s drawings based on references in the video above. Any feedback is appreciated!
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