Dharmaraj R
Dharmaraj R
Chennai, India
Activity Feed
Dharmaraj R
Decided to make a creature out of the reference. Please upvote this if you like it, Good luck y'all :)
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Dharmaraj R
When the weekend arrives, Like the werewolves that comes out to prey during the full moon, there rises an abomination out of necessity against the time, and lasts through the weekend, The MULTI TASKER! For all the things he's been waiting to do all week but can't due to work. It is said that he can grow multiple limbs and has 100% concentration to do multiple things at the same time and also has anxiety, He broods in the dark. And when the end is near and the week starts his ability fades and he transforms back to a mere human only to be back the next weekend. He's a hero born out of necessity to do what he's destined to do
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