Jonathan Mariño
Jonathan Mariño
Costa Rica
A father, husband and geek. Love comics, animation, videogames and D&D. I work as Illustrator and Graphic Designer in Costa Rica
Jonathan Mariño
Hi, I new around here, but had been following the youtube channel form a way back. Here are some samples of human figure sketching and structure. I´m all open to critique and sugestions and hope that we can improve together... see ya around This are ballpointpen letter size sketches
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Jonathan Mariño
Hi, Maybe something I´m gonna say to you, you heard it before, maybe not, so... I´m learning too, but somenting that really help me when I´m working with human form is trying to work from the "inside out" (not anatomy exactly, structure basically) Here are some samples i did a while back. I know they are not perfect in any way, but, thinking in volumes help me with the general form.... (sorry my english is not good)
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