Christopher Tju
Christopher Tju
Activity Feed
Christopher Tju
These were really hard, had to take some guesses
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Christopher Tju
Looking for critiques please.
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Christopher Tju
5 with the model and 3 from memory, I am definitely making the sacrum too small I think.
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Christopher Tju
This was a really hard assignment. Still working on my "xray" vision to see landmarks and what's under the muscle and fat. Looking for critiques please and thank you.
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Christopher Tju
I did a few more, I think the last 2 turned out pretty good, the first one ended up too flat and maybe too dark
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Christopher Tju
Here are some of my egg shadings. I am noticing that I am having a really difficult time identifying the shadow shapes. Its probably due to some of these pictures I used that had very soft edges which in hindsight was a bad idea. My values are still off, but I am practicing to gain some mastery, I don't really plan to do realistic drawings but I feel that this practice will still be beneficial. I am just not overly concern with having "perfect" shading techniques, more so just learning how light works and portraying some form of dimension. Also curious, does anyone here map the shadows before shading? I have tried @Dorian Iten 's process and it has been helpful but I find that I get loss with shadow shapes if I don't map them out before hand. I think I get too afraid of simplifying the shadow shapes, risking the loss of form. Edit: looking at these again, I feel like I should've played around with edges more.
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Christopher Tju
Finally got through the rest of them, my anatomy is still way off and I probably could've pushed some of these poses farther. Any other suggestions??
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Christopher Tju
This has definitely been the hardest lesson for me so far. I am noticing I don't really understand the forms of the figure, but here are some of my attempts. This exercise is so mentally taxing on me I can only complete at best 1 a day haha.
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Kelly Dembowski
Some quick sketches, a penny for your thoughts.
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Christopher Tju
nice effort, i think one thing you might really benefit from is slowing down just a tad and getting a little more accurate with your proportions/placements of things.
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