Cesar Sanchez
Cesar Sanchez
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Cesar Sanchez
I have a question, if we look at the pose on minute 8:40, the two corners on the right side of the body seem to be the closest to us, but why does proko use the left corner of the shoulder that is furthest away from us to make the overlapping line?
Cesar Sanchez
if anyone has the same question, you'll find the answer on the first robo bean video on minute 6:05
Cesar Sanchez
Hi, I leave this one here, any feedback is welcome :). I still feel however, that is quite difficult to determine how long to make the sternum and where to place the breasts, also... call me crazy but I see that the 10th rib forms a little dimple right above the oblique (not necessarily going into it)
Kevin Corea
I can't distinguish what's the difference between the "flow" and contour. Stan points out that he's not drawing the contour but the flow. Or direction or whatnot, while (in my eyes) is just drawing the contour. To me all these words, the rhythm, flow or whatnot are just buzzwords to me.
Cesar Sanchez
I understand, but if you look closely, you`ll never see for example that the contour of a leg are two "S" curves or two "C" curves, if you look closely to a leg, it's easy to visualize all the little bumps created by muscle, bones, tendons and fat (it is easy to get lost in all that detail). But when drawing the gesture, we are purposely ignoring all those details and drawing just simple major lines that connect those forms. Perhaps it sounds too abstract now, but I would encourage you to keep practicing gesture because after putting it into practice for a while it becomes easier to grasp.
Cesar Sanchez
the persons interested in forming the group could send me an email at cesar8686@hotmail.com, then we can arrange a specific time according to our schedule and availability
This is a great idea to motivate each other. However i can only use the free figure drawing videos from proko's youtube channel. Maybe can also use www.aggie.io , its an online drawing app that can draw with friends live at the same time, in the same canvas. I think its free.
Cesar Sanchez
awesome, never heard of that app before, sounds pretty interesting to use!
Ligia Dan
Hey! This is a great idea but unfortunately I can't buy the course during this period.
Cesar Sanchez
hey thanks! I hope you can buy it in the future ;)
Hello Cesar, I am interested in joining a group for discussion and sharing. Though a video chat is not necessarily the best method for me because I have a hectic schedule with work and kids. A message board is easier to sign on and off again though I am not against at least having some video chats so that we can have a better interaction. I have the figure drawing course and am going through it for the first time. It would be great to have feedback and bounce ideas/questions around.
Cesar Sanchez
yeah, definitely agreeing on a time schedule is the most difficult part for most people. Thanks for the reply anyways ;)
Cesar Sanchez
I bought the figure drawing course, and I just finished the gesture part. but sometimes I find it hard to push myself to complete it. The idea is to create a small 3 to 5 people group where we meet once a week (like on google meet ) to discuss each section until the course is completed. The dynamics will be the following: -The idea is that you watch the videos and do the exercises. -I will be doing the same, and in each meeting, I will share my notes and discoveries. -If you just want to go in to listen, you can do it. If you want to participate you can also. -the idea is to push each other to complete the course. Once we have at least 3 persons interested we can start!
Cesar Sanchez
Art makes life more interesting, and that in turn could help you do things that are good for you that otherwise you wouldn`t do. For example, a lazy person might not like going to walk around the city even though it might be good for his/her health, but if the city is full of art and beautiful things, that person might be more interested in going out for a walk thus increasing his/her health. this is just one of many examples (i personally like murals a lot, and this is sort of my personal Ikigai ;)
Hi Cesar, I'm interested in joining a study group of 3-5 people. Have you heard from others? I've been working on the course for a while and, like you, would be motivated by discussing with others until we complete the course.
Cesar Sanchez
hi, thanks for your interest, I honestly thought people were no interested because I posted it on the drawings fundamentals but no one replied (so I deleted it). I'll post it again I think if we have at least 3 persons we can start rolling
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