Kim Ytterberg
Kim Ytterberg
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Kim Ytterberg
Hi! Hope you're all doing fine this wonderful day! This was a hard one! For this section I did struggle with the placement of the greater throchanter and ASIS and the position of them in 3d. I added some notes to show where I think everything is (they might be hard to read as I took them for myself, sorry about that). Would appreciate feedback tremendously!
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Kim Ytterberg
I can also see now when reading other's exercises that for my 4th image, his scapulas are too close together. From this pose, his left scapula would be further away and some degrees angled from his spine compared to the scapula on his right!
Kim Ytterberg
Hmm now when I see them side by side, for the 1st and 2nd image the curve of tibias looks wrong. Thinking that in the first image I might have drawn the outline of his fibula instead as it does not cross from one side of her shin to the other side(?). In the second image it's her muscle showing and not the curve of the tibia, esp when it's evident when it is in another spot on the 3rd image. Would you agree on this?
Kim Ytterberg
Hi everyone! Here's a few of my structure exercises, I really appreciate any feedback!
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Kim Ytterberg
Beans! I have struggled with the distance between the ovals but I think it got better at the end when I made the distance between them smaller. I also think I tend to use the same shape of the oval independent of the perspective which makes the forms look like larvae instead of a bean 🤔, but I was more aware of it on the last page. Overlaps (the twist) and finding the middle has been my greatest struggle, however, as I mostly guess where they'll be. Feedback would be wonderful and greatly appreciated!
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Kim Ytterberg
These are a few of my quick sketch assignments in chronological order (couldn't attach them all but these are representative enough!). During this week I had a real problem with my carpal tunnel and had to wear a brace which actually helped me as it prevented me from using the wrist at all. It took some time to get used to and my accuracy was way off. But thanks to that I couldn't put lines in without thinking and correcting my lines as I really had to make my hand do what I wanted it to during this short time period. Correcting a line would mean I wouldn't be able to finish the gesture in time as it took so long for me to make my hand to what my head wanted. I would really love any critique on the exercises. The placement/size of the head is something I noticed I struggle with and proportions (torso to legs), when I go back and study Stan it makes sense but when I do them myself I struggle, so feedback regarding this would also be very appreciated. Thanks for taking your time!
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