Activity Feed
Ben Whitfield
added comment inProject - Measure Proportions
Asked for help
I enjoyed this lesson a lot. I am happy with my attempt but I don't have Photoshop to see how accurate I was. Any feedback is greatly appreciated.
Ben Whitfield
Asked for help
These are my level 1 attempts. Tried to not overcomplicate the shapes but that was easier said than done. Sometimes gravitated to contours without thinking. Any feedback is greatly appreciated.
Ben Whitfield
Asked for help
Are rhythms the same thing as gestures? Or are rhythms expanding on gestures?
Asked for help
I drew the penguin and the gamer girl. I think both drawings are pretty good attempts for me but I did struggle with letting the lines flow which was the intention of the project. I find that I am very critical of every line that I draw so it makes it very challenging to let the lines I put down just flow.
Ben Whitfield
Decided to try the Level 2 Skull. Not sure my CSI's are great. Lines are a bit wobbly. Proportions are off as well.
Ben Whitfield
Second attempt after watching the demos. I did the snail following along with Stan. I attempted the boots after watching. I am not sure either is better than the first attempt, especially the boots. Those laces are tough.
Ben Whitfield
Asked for help
Here are my attempts of the level 1 images. I am going thru the course for the second time now that I am caught up so and I submitting my drawings this time for feedback from the community. I really struggled with the boots especially the shoe laces. Any feedback is greatly appreciated.
Ben Whitfield
Asked for help
Level 1 attempt. I did 4 thumbnails with 2 values. I found it really hard only using 2 values to make what I was doing identifiable. I will attempt some more using 3 values next time
Ben Whitfield
Asked for help
Level 1 Assignment. I first did the drawing myself and then did one while watching Stan drawing it. For the one I did myself I don't think I separated the values enough. I also used some curves when drawing the pear (I think I should have used only straights). Any feedback would be appreciated. Thanks