Level 1 - 1/2 from imagination (or nightmares from working in retail.) one thing that suprised me was how I kept wanting to adjust the parallel lines even though I knew they should all be the same angle.
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I tried to follow along but it got a bit messy. I think my head was too wide to start and I needed readjust things. This was very helpful though. I am going to start practicing breaking down individual parts in the way you showed. Side note once you add the spine to the ribcage it kind of reminds me of a popsicle or a sign.
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Very excited to start getting into figure drawing. I have really been enjoying this course. I feel much more confident even attempting human gesture now. Definitely going to add these studies to my practice routine! Any feedback would be greatly appreciated!
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On struggle street here, any advice is appreciated. I am struggling with a few things at the moment as far as I can tell. I think the problem is getting stuck following the contour, and then when I realise I'm doing that and try to correct it I end up over simplifying and turning them into noodles. I'm planning on making this one a regular session and hopefully something clicks after some repetition!
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Hello, I am still learning these concepts myself but here are some of my observations. It looks to me like you do have the basic idea. You are using similar Rhythms as Stan and are able to describe the pose with less detail so that is great! I would probably take more time on each individual pose and maybe do one per page as you are working with a small area. If you give your self more space you can be looser with your lines. I think you have some good lines in the top left pose, but it looks like you lose some of your line confidence with others. You really want to focus on your confident tapered lines and make them connect smoothly with each other. You may also still be focusing on individual details little to much. For example; the hair and guns on the person on the far right do not add to your gesture in anyway. They are in contrast to your flowing Rhythm lines. The guns cause an abrupt stop to the form of your arms and I don't think the Rhythm of the hands is clear enough. The hair looks more scribbly and you could describe it better with a single Rhythm line flowing off of the head. I think you are on the right track, but it takes a lot of practice to get comfortable with this idea. I look forward to seeing your future work!
Much harder when I am not just copying your decisions. I am not sure I fully get exploding yet. I get you are kind of taking a piece off, but most of the time it feels like I am just subtracting and drawing the shape twice. I think I didn't consider the outside plane a few times. There are probably better combinations of shapes that demonstrate the effect more.
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A Few level 2 attempts. Tough, but I am glad I tried.
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These were a lot of fun. Once I started tp get some that I liked it was hard to stop. Level 1 from Reference drawings.
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Great lessons so far. I really want to get better with cylinders and eclipses. I Especially struggle trying to identify the correct planes when drawing from observation.
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Very excited for this course. I think breaking things down into a process will benefit me a lot. I really like that you mentioned something I have also observed about expectations we get from artists on social media. It can be really frustrating when you can't communicate what you are seeing quickly. I have been really been trying to be more patient with myself and accept that I have to iterate on my ideas a lot before they start to take shape.
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First attempt of hopefully many more. This took a very long time for me to finish. It takes a lot of effort and I had long breaks in between sessions. I found it hard to start if know I wouldn't have full focus like on work day. Any feedback would be greatly appreciated. I am curious how other people get into the measuring mind set. It takes lot of energy, and I usually find myself skipping it while sketching.
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If we know about the loomis method, is that something we should use here or stick strictly to finding measurements?
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I would not attempt to do this using the Loomis method. The Loomis method is for constructing three dimensional head and will cause unnecessary complications for you. For this assignment just focus on using simple two dimensional shapes and adjusting their proportions using the measuring techniques Stan described.
More Practice from Zoo photos after watching the level 2 Demo. Really tried to push my proportions more, and add more subtle shape language.
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More practice. Using stock photos and some pictures from a zoo trip. It is quite challenging for me.
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This was really cool. Really does put the exercise into perspective.
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Level 1 Animals before watching Demo I am now officially past the point I got to last year! I found I was still focusing a lot on the faces when I got started. Thinking about the whole outer shape / wrapping really helped me.
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Porxie from FFXIV Shadowbringers Official Art Book. Not sure if I like how it turned out, but I think I at least paid attention to the line emphasis.
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I was really inspired by the drawing from imagination critiques so I attempted it again, but I focused on the line weight for my final sketches.
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Very tough, definitely felt the drawing 'cramps.' But, I am glad I challenged myself!
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Kathi Metzler
Here are my drawings before and after watching the demo. I kind of rushed the boots in the before the demo version because I felt overwhelmed by them, so there is definitely an improvement. I am struggling with using my shoulder for drawing.
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Hi Kathi, I just wanted to say I think these are huge improvements from your first attempt. I can see you are really trying to find your lines now. The snail looks way more interesting and lively. The lines go a little hairy in a few places, but you already started to address that in the second drawing! Also great improvement on the boots. It is obvious you took your time with it a lot more, and it shows! Some of the longer curves are particularly good! Some of the smaller details is where it starts to get a bit more hairy. I am having trouble with that myself. I think its really hard to not let the fingers take control of the pencil at that point. Great Job!
first few attempts to come of observational drawing, any advice is appreciated. the words to the side are just stuff i felt i did wrong.
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Hi Gog, thanks for posting! I think you are focusing on the wrong things for this exercise. You seem very concerned with the final image, but the exercises we have done up to this point are far more fundamental. I really don't want to sound harsh, because I see your posts and can tell you are working hard and really want to succeed, but I think you should spend some more time on earlier videos. Particularly I would focus on your CSI, and line quality. I think these videos in particular will be useful to you: https://www.proko.com/course-lesson/intro-to-lines https://www.proko.com/course-lesson/searching-for-lines https://www.proko.com/course-lesson/how-to-draw-confident-lines-the-tapered-stroke Don't just watch these videos, practice the lines and concepts you learn in them. Fill sketchbooks with just confident clean lines of all kinds! Practice your tapered lines right before you attempt your next project, and try to use those same kinds of lines. Try the Simplify CSI project again, but pick some simple references that interest you. Just focus on doing it with good CSI that you have been practicing. Don't focus on if it looks right or anything like that. You are also free to use what ever tool you want, but I think switching to a pencil will help you. You are going to have a really hard time making nice lines with a pen right now, and you can be more loose and relaxed with a pencil with a good eraser near by. I hope this helps. I don't want to come off as mean, but it is clear to me you want to improve. I wouldn't have spent the time to write all this if I didn't think it could help you. I am rooting for you!
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