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Some two minutes sketches, quality varies but I feel like I’m slowly getting it. Thanks for looking
Jake Miller
oh boy, I feel like my gestures suddenly got worse, that's worrisome. Suddenly too self-conscious about them maybe, I hope that this negativity doesn't stick. Somehow 2 minutes suddenly isn't enough and I can barely get anything done, this was never a problem before, just can't let it get to me.
These actually pretty good🙂
Daniel Oliveira
Hello! I have mad respect to everyone who is able to do this well, because this is one of the concepts I struggle with the most. Please, I really need feedback, I feel like my brain can't see/understand the basic concept behind it. I can't finish my 30 secs scetches on time and I don't like my end product. What am I missing? Find below an example of 15 sketches of 30 secs each
It takes time man, I feel like I’m barely grasping the concept as you can see my work below. Make sure you do 5 mins scribbles just to warm up before, it makes a huge difference. Your second page looks like you’re going in the right direction. It looks way more loose and fluid. From the video the 30 second sketches will look basically like stick figures but that’s ok as long as they don’t look stiff. Remember C and S curves is what we’re using to build these. One of my biggest issues was never exaggerating enough and making it look too much like the photo. Trust me I have books upon books of mediocre sketches. If you can look up Michael Hampton, his method for gestures is a bit simplified but really helps in improving your craft. I hope that helps. Peace out bro -Andrew
Hello, here are some 30 sec gesture quick sketches I did. Any critique is welcome. Thanks for looking.
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