Birgit Schultz
Birgit Schultz
Activity Feed
Here are my mouse drawings. Some of these photos are pretty blurry but I focused more on the main shapes than the details, so it wasn't a problem. I didn't delete anything, and it shows 😅
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Birgit Schultz
Really cute, well done!
Birgit Schultz
I find that I really have problems with seeing the planes on round objects. I realize this when drawing faces as well. I first watched the 6 minutes project video and then tried on my own from the photograph. After this drawing I did several value studies with different grade pencils to find the combination which best gives me two light and two dark values.
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Rui Pedro
”This is how beginners hide their mistakes”! This is so true it hurts! 😄 How much time do we have until to request critiques? One week, two days? Unfortunately, die to work, family, etc., I may not get free time right away
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Birgit Schultz
In today's email Proko wrote until the 26th of January if you want your critique in the video.
Birgit Schultz
Unfortunately in Krita 5.1.0 things have changed a bit. The import of the brushes looks different and unfortunately I cannot find where to adjust the brushes/tools since a click on the icon on the top does not bring up the "most complicated window in Krita". An update of this video would be highly appreciated, Marco. Thank you.
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Birgit Schultz
I did it! So excited! Heading over to for the next weeks and looking forward to January. I am not really a beginner but despite drawing for over 40 years now by no means a pro ... hope I made the right decision.
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Birgit Schultz
This was an hour well invested. Thank you so much, Michael! I had many lights going on in my head during this hour.
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