Avondrood Art
Avondrood Art
Aspiring artist. Oilpainting and character commissions
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Avondrood Art
Very usefull video! Thank you very much for sharing <3
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Avondrood Art
Hey there, First of all, thanks for putting time into this. Wonderfull <3 My name is Hilde aka Avondrood. I'm starting to set up things as a professional. Maybe its not the same as working for the entertainment industry, but I'm working towards doing fanart/commissions for games (like World of Warcraft) and I do oilpaintings (nature/animals). I've recently picked up painting / drawing again after years of doing little with it. My goals are to be able to get by as an artist. And at this point I'm struggling a bit to set things up professionally. I've got an deviantart page that I cleaned out (trown away old stuff, kept only the better stuff), Set up a new twitter account, new email adress, instagram and working on a logo currently. And of course I want to get better in my drawings aswell. (Link to my deviantart page, for those who are interested: https://www.deviantart.com/avondrood ) To get better, my next step will be figure and anatomy lessons. And after that I want to learn about compositions, for making interesting backgrounds aswell. Do you have any tips for me for where I could improve, or what I can do to get better. Both in my drawing as in getting things set up more professionally? Thank you in advance! Greetings from Avondrood <3
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