Andrea Anaya
Andrea Anaya
Activity Feed
Andrea Anaya
Just realized I forgot about the thumb.
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Andrea Anaya
I couldn't include all the reference images because of copyright issues. Anyway, I attempted a bullfrog. I really wanted his fingers to steeple so that he looks like he is plotting something. The hardest part was trying to draw the legs from imagination. I labelled the ones that are from imagination. I did three from imagination! I feel like my lines are really messy.
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Andrea Anaya
I attempted the hand twice. Hopefully my lighter lines are still visible.
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Andrea Anaya
Actually had this posted in the wrong section! Anyway, here are my assignments. I think I went into way too much detail. If I have time later I may attempt the skeleton one again.
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when outlining the simple shapes I was having a great time. Until I started to outline laces. I’m dying to know if we were expected to do the laces or if Stan will. I was happily drawing the boot on the left and after doing the laces my brain was so fried I think it shows in the right boot. It may be a long time before I can look at laces again 🤯
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Andrea Anaya
Yeah I'm super curious to see if Stan draws the laces. I'm going to guess no, at least not in detail. I ended up drawing them too though. :)
Hudson Koonce
So, I think I way over complicated this lol. I’m happy with how it turned out in general, but I don’t think it does what the assignment is meant to do. It was very tricky to figure out how to simplify all the little details. I would be willing to retry this assignment. Does anyone have any pointers on how to decide what things to take out completely vs what things to simplify?
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Andrea Anaya
I really struggled with this too. I saw another submission that simplified the neck as just a tube, so I think if I were to do this one again I would do that. Also the rib cage could be simplified into an oval. Leave out any small hat details, and not every tooth needs to be drawn. That's probably what I would try.
Wibble Wobbles
Does anyone have any tips on "quick but not rushed" while still maintaining clean lines?
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Andrea Anaya
Do a lot of ghosting!
Varun Balakrishnan
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Andrea Anaya
I really like your line work!
Florian Haeckh
I really liked this assignment. I drew the camel and the snail, to have a mix of level 1 and 2.
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Andrea Anaya
Nice job on the camel!
Hudson Koonce
Tried this once, but I felt like I got way to caught up in the details, so I did it two more time, trying to simplify it to CSI lines. I’m open for any critiques on how to simplify better, or if you notice something else to critique.
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Andrea Anaya
that looks great! I feel like I also got too caught up in the details and maybe I should try it again.
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