in 46 : 42 timestaps i didnt understand anything 00:46:45.300 --> 00:46:48.200  use these lines. That's why I think it Q1 : (what eactly the lines u are pointing does u mean the line of gesture between inside and outside ) that we draw between anatomy and the 8 parts 943 00:46:48.200 --> 00:46:51.700  lends itself so well to invention but in different postures, you 944 00:46:51.700 --> 00:46:54.300  just have to reorganize some of the lines in order to Q2 : How 945 00:46:54.300 --> 00:46:57.700  do allow for a different interpretation. So here 946 00:46:57.700 --> 00:46:59.900  I can just flip it. I'll make this longer. q3 :FLIP WHAT 947 00:47:00.900 --> 00:47:03.800 And then I'll create thoracic and 948 00:47:03.800 --> 00:47:06.200  then into a thinking of abdomen or 949 00:47:06.200 --> 00:47:06.900  lumbar here. 950 00:47:07.700 --> 00:47:09.600 So it gives a little bit more of a pinch.Q
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