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Here’s my first and second attempt at the snail, and also a bonus picture demonstrating some of the struggles I had with this drawing. 😜 The first drawing was way more complicated than it needed to be, and as a result, my line quality suffered and I totally missed the original point of the assignment. In my second attempt, I made an effort to not fuss too much with proportions and details. It made for a less accurate snail, of course, but the line quality is vastly improved. If nothing else, my cat seems to really like this second drawing. 😂
Jillian Potts
I like your cat. Maybe because your kitty looks like mine 😁 ❤️
T.M. Dusablon
Both drawings came out well. The second one followed the intent of the demo accurately. Kitty is giving a high five! Good job-
I missed the point of the project too…I agonized over accuracy and ended up with scraggly lines. Your second is much improved. I keep reiterating Stan’s instruction…this is an exercise not a finished product.
Lisa L
I really like how your first drawing turned out, but I can see how the second helped with your line quality. And that is an adorable cat. :D
James O
What a cool assignment! I've never tried to limit myself to CSI before and it really helped make the shapes. Snail had some really cool forms to problem solve. Had a great time when I came up with a solution to the shell. First attempt - Tried using the flat of my pencil to make different types of mark. Started going towards value instead of line. I like the marks so maybe I'll explore that more. Second attempt- There are some students who really understand form. After looking at their submissions I thought about how to show the structure better and I think I came up with solid solutions.
Hey! I deleted my previous critique, because I remembered that Stan said *not* to worry about shapes and instead focus on simplifying contour, and my critique demonstrated breaking down shapes, so my apologies for that confusion! I would say that your second attempt is definitely headed in the right direction! My advice would be to work on your C and S curves more, since I'm seeing some shakiness there. If it helps, try rotating your paper so you're at a more comfortable angle. Also, I probably wouldn't worry so much about the bumpiness of the snail's skin texture. Keep the body of the snail smooth in order to keep the line work simple. I hope this was helpful! Happy drawing!
Samantha Maggard
Wondering what others think.....the only issue I have with learning to draw on a tablet is the fact that you can erase your lines/or fade your lines with a touch of a button. If you draw with a pencil and paper...go too dark there is no way to hide that line. However, I think drawing on a tablet is very beneficial in our techno world and I plan on learning it as well.
To solve this issue, I would set my pen color to a dark grey (like a 3B or 4B at its darkest) and turn on pressure opacity. I would also forbid myself from pressing ctrl+z and set my eraser to pressure opacity and only erase lightly so that darker lines get left behind. That way, I could get at least some idea of how heavy-handed I am. It's not a perfect solution, but it might be helpful.
I'm finding it really hard to simplify the head
I didn't get proportions super accurate, but I tried demonstrating how you can simplify the camel's snout into a sort of fortune-teller looking shape (I don't have a better way to describe it, I'm sorry T^T), and the head is a simple oval. I hope this helps! Happy drawing from a fellow student!
Asked for help
I *definitely* need more practice. But I had a good time, so there’s that!
I hope it’s okay to put all of my attempts here (pre-demo, post-demo, and post-critique). I joined class just yesterday, so I had a lot of catching up to do. Admittedly, I should have paced myself better, but I wanted to catch up with current lessons so I could have a chance to be critiqued next time! I’m not really happy with any of these drawings personally, but that’s all part of the learning process, I suppose. Also, did anyone else get really tripped up trying to separate the color value of their object from the light value??? 😵‍💫 I was so thrown off by the yellow sections of the apple. I feel like I should’ve tackled something simpler and more uniform in color.
Gracie Clark
These look great! And definitely show progression. One thing that Stan pointed out in the critique videos that he said he noticed most people having issues with (I would be one of them) is that reflective light on the shadow side will not be as bright as the light side. He pointed out that many people that used their own image (not the pear) made it more difficult for themselves by not having one direct light source. I am still struggling with this… my eye went right to your highlight on the shadow side. It looks like lighting from a second light source. I’m not sure if that still needs to be not as highlighted as main light source. ??? Even when I print B/W or posterize (I just learned this) I still want that second light source’s highlight to be just as bright as main. ???
Tony Zhang
If you’re confused you can always just make the reference black and white (I think most phones can) and that will give you a better idea of the value of each area. You did it so well!
And here are my boots! Okay, so I had way more fun with these than with the snail. Like, SO much fun! So many whooshy shapes!!! And also, I learned from my frustrations with the snail to start bigger. I included my initial sketch to show what I mean. Admittedly this drawing is messy, and I overworked the laces on the left (our left) boot. But honestly, I had such a fun time finding all the little rhythms that it doesn’t bother me. That being said, I do see areas where my line work needs improving. I definitely got too dark too fast, and I can see hesitation in the line work of the smaller detail areas. What do you guys think?
James O
Boots came out great. I can tell you were thinking in terms of CSI. I think the choices you made with line width also helped.
Here is my attempt at the snail. I definitely have an issue with order of operations when it comes to drawing! I started with the tail and moved on to the shell and my brain immediately wanted to start doing the details and bumps of the shell’s contour. Of course, I realized too late after adding a bunch of detail that I’d lost the proportion of the shell completely. I ended up starting over and doing the construction lines from lesson one and establishing kind of an overall shape of the whole snail and then working inward. It was really hard to force my brain to work this way and I kept having to stop, pull back, and erase areas I’d over-detailed and got wrong. It was frustrating, but I hope my struggles don’t show through too much in the drawing itself. 😅
Varun Balakrishnan
Your foreshortening on that left boot (our left) is amazing! That's definitely not an easy perspective to pull off. One thing I will say is the toe areas of both boots look smaller proportionally in your drawing than they do in the photo, but you still captured their shape very well, in my opinion! Also, I adore your line work. Great energy and gestural quality. I'm definitely gonna look to your drawing when I attempt the boots myself. ^_^
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