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added comment inProject - Line Master Studies
Sadly, this is actually the best version I did. I chose the sketch because I think Raphael illustrates the idea of line weight to indicate importance: his face and hat are done with dark lines while his hair almost disappears. Faces are hard! I have so much trouble with noses in particular. Also mouths. And don't get me started on eyes. Thank god his ears are covered...In spite of the shame this causes me, I felt like I needed to post it so that at the end of the course I can look back and laugh/cringe. Or not. Whatever. Is it too early for a drink?

Lisa L
I actually think you did well with the nose! I sometimes find drawings from this era can be pretty complex to deconstruct and copy because they’re so detailed, yet so subtle. Beautiful choice of reference to study from. 😊
Lisa L
Asked for help
I did a study of Alphonse Mucha’s “Ivy”. I missed on the profile and ended up simplifying some of the clothing and background detail, but I found it really good as a line quality exercise. The primary organization is around importance and bold outlines that draw attention to specific areas of the drawing, even with so much going on. From the technical side, I found it challenging to get fluid, consistent lines that
give the hair texture and movement - more muscle memory and confidence needed, I think.
I feel like it is too early to start shading. I dont think you understand the 3d form and planes of the nose very well yet especially the connection of the wing to the bridge. this video is great for your studies. But other than that i can tell all the noses are different from each other. It ıs nice to see variety <3
Here’s my first and second attempt at the snail, and also a bonus picture demonstrating some of the struggles I had with this drawing. 😜
The first drawing was way more complicated than it needed to be, and as a result, my line quality suffered and I totally missed the original point of the assignment.
In my second attempt, I made an effort to not fuss too much with proportions and details. It made for a less accurate snail, of course, but the line quality is vastly improved. If nothing else, my cat seems to really like this second drawing. 😂
I really like how your first drawing turned out, but I can see how the second helped with your line quality. And that is an adorable cat. :D
Hudson Koonce
Asked for help
Tried this once, but I felt like I got way to caught up in the details, so I did it two more time, trying to simplify it to basic CSI lines.
I’m open for any critiques on how to simplify better, or if you notice something else to critique.
I really like all three attempts. The simplified ones have a really fun cartoonish look to them but the structure of the way the bones fit together feels solid. I like the character of the more detailed attempt.
Asked for help
Much harder than it looks, it was very intimidating to even try and START drawing. I did it the best I could. :) who knew shoe laces were so scary!
It looks like you made a lot of progress figuring it out from the first attempt to the third. The boots were definitely a challenge - there was a lot going on!
Linda Alsworth-Elvey
Asked for help
I cannot wait for the demonstration video. But I wanted to share my picture anyway even though there is so many things wrong with both of them and I might have a bold spot from pulling my hair out to try the shoe laces on the boots.😉😂
I thought the boots were going to be easier than the slug, but man was I wrong.