Christian Shaw
Christian Shaw
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Christian Shaw
Hi. Here are my attempts at applying structure to some animals. Feedback is appreciated as always. Thanks!
Luigi Manese
Great use of construction @Christian Shaw! You've done a good job establishing those contour lines around the forms to make each component feel more solid. The one form that is a bit confusing to me is on your camel drawing. There is an area where the neck connects with the body, and I can't quite figure out how the two parts are being put together. Additionally, one more concept to keep in mind would be the C S I principle, which is laid out in Stan's 'How to Draw Gesture Video' (The concept starts at 5:35) Basically, you want to be able to play C curves, S curves, and Straights (this is the 'I') against one another to make your shapes feel more dynamic. A lot of your limb shapes feel a bit stiff, and I think its because I'm seeing a lot of straights against straights, which takes away from the possible variety you can create from designing these shapes on your own. Hope this helps! Feel free to let me know if there is anything that I can clear up for you
Christian Shaw
Hi! Here is a handful of my attempts. Any advice is appreciated. Thanks
Christian Shaw
Hi. Here are my attempts at 30 second poses. Would love feedback. Thanks!
Good job, @Christian Shaw! I'm assuming this is how you did it: 1) drawing on your own; 2) drawing along with the video; 3) a second attempt on your own. Was that it? If so, I'd say it's been pretty effective! The third drawings seems to be gaining a solidity that the first ones have a bit less of (which indicates the second step of drawing along is helping you gain clarity over the gesture and the design), but also the third drawings are not just copies of the "draw-along" sketch, they have kind of a personality of their own (which, to me, indicates that you've sort of "synthesized" what you learned in the second drawing and re-applied it in your own manner - and that's really great). As a suggestion, perhaps you might like to learn a bit more about the "ghosting" technique (in case you haven't). It can be a good "extra layer" of knowledge for gesture practice as it helps us develop muscle memory and strengthen arm movements. Here some info about it if you're interested: Hope this helps. Keep it up!
Christian Shaw
Hi all. Here are some of my attempts at before, along with, & after the demos. Would love some feedback. Thanks!
Gauri Panicker
I am a beginner here, but I wanted to mention that I loved the idea of drawing same pose multiple times till you feel you have captured it well. I have been trying the same, and it really helps me improve the lines and explore exaggerating it like Stan mentioned in this course. Sometimes I imitate the pose to understand where the body is putting weight. Happy drawing :)
Luigi Manese
Hi @Christian Shaw, great studies! My main critique is actually going to be addressing your proportions. There are a few figures where the torso is a bit too long in comparison to the body, so just keep that in mind for your gesture drawings moving forward. I like that for each page, you've shown that you've tackled the same drawing multiple times. I find that it's better to re-do a lot of these exercises and try to fix your mistakes, rather than try to just do A BUNCH of different poses. Just watch out for something like your third image, where your drawings are overlapping one another. It just makes it trickier to see if you're having trouble in a specific area, like the legs in that image for instance. I think your fourth page might be the weakest gestures, and I've seen a lot of people struggle with that pose reference. For an image like this, you might need to exaggerate the pose just a bit to get a better flow, or even introduce a twist that might not be there in the reference, just to add that variety. Overall great work! Let me know if there is anything that I can clear up for you
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