Small app for gesture/figure drawing
Anne-Lise Loubière
Hey all I just saw a post in the Facebook page group today and I thought this could be useful to many. The person was asking if there was a way to browse through the photo refs you can download on Proko with a set timer to study gesture and/or figure drawing. I was facing the same issue when I started, and talked about it to my husband (who happens to enjoy programming). He kindly made a small and easy to use program to help me. He doesn't mind me sharing it with you, so help yourself :) (PC only) Here's the link Click on the setup.exe file and you're done! Click on the 3 dots button on the top right to select the folder you want to use Set the time in seconds under "Durée" Press play and have fun! (The program chooses pics randomly in your folder)
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